
IDA Pro resources for 3DS reverse engineering

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


(WIP) IDA Pro 7.6+ resources for reverse engineering Nintendo 3DS binaries.


Python 3.6+ is required.


Copy ctr_loader.py in {IDA_PATH}/loaders.

ctr_loader.py support the following formats:

  • Raw: the binary must be named code.bin. An external exheader binary is required, else the user will be asked to provide any information.
  • ExeFS: the binary name must end with the exefs extension and must contain a .code file. An external exheader binary is required, else the user will be asked to provide any information.
  • CXI: the binary must be decrypted and it must contain an ExeFS with a .code file.
  • CIA.


File -> Load file -> Parse C header file..., then select types.h.


Capstone is required:

python -m pip install capstone==5.0.1

Launch each script with File -> Script file.

  • find_syscalls.py: find each function that uses syscalls, optionally renaming wrappers and functions that call svcSendSyncRequest.
  • fix_decomp.py: fix special instructions decompilation. Types must be loaded.
  • fix_switches.py: fix handling of switch cases.
  • load_crs_syms.py: load symbols from CRS files.