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This repository provides weekly sales data collected from Famitsu's website. It is updated automatically by GitHub Actions.
In normal, Famitsu will update their data on 02:00 (UTC) every Friday. But in case of something going wrong, this repository will be updated on 15:00 (UTC, 24:00 JST) every Thursday and Friday.
Historical data (before 2021-08-16) was updated from Wayback Machine.
- [Latest]({{ "latest.html" | relative_url }}) {% assign markdown_files = site.pages | where: "is_markdown", true | reverse %}{% for file in markdown_files %}{% assign this_year = file.from | date: "%Y" %}{% assign this_month = file.from | date: "%B" %}{% if this_year != last_year %}
- [{{ file.from }} ~ {{ }}]({{ file.url | relative_url }}) (W{{ file.from | date: "%W" }}){% assign last_month = this_month %}{% assign last_year = this_year %}{% endfor %}
- Gematsu, archives from 2019-04-22
- Perfectly Nintendo, archives from 2016 (together with data from Dengeki)