Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


TRIP is a pipeline for identifying the TRM (telomeric repeat motif) using short-read genome sequencing data.

TRIP is designed to take advantage of short-read data that are publicly available or generated by the users (local data).

For public data, a table of accession numbers needs to be provided, with specified number of processes LARGE --process_num.

For interupted runs, set --continue True to resume the pipeline. If the computation time is too long, you can use --downsample to limit download size and save time.


  1. Prerequisite
  • Linux system (not supporting Windows.)
  • weget, python3, bash, tail, cat, rm commands should be able to be called.
  • matplotlib multiprocessing os sys pandas inspect numpy requests random bs4 time traceback multiprocessing hashlib package should be installed in python3.
  1. Download the code. Do not change the content in the folder.

  2. chmod -R 777 /path/to/TRIP Try to run RepeatDetector_v2 in TRIP, if you see

* RepeatDetector                  *
* author: Yi Wang                 *
* email:  godspeed_china@yeah.net *
* date:   29/May/2018             *

rather than pemission denied, then you should be cool.

Basic usage (pipeline of auto: web-crawl > download reads > analyze > filter results > output plots and tables)

command line

python3 path/to/TRIP/TRIP.py --input path/to/TRIP/example_input.tsv --output ./ --process_num 100

input file

TRIP will parse the input file (make sure your input file is the same format as example_input.tsv). Each row in input file is a sample.

The NAME column should be unique.

The BIOPROJECT column should be correct, otherwise TRIP cannot process the corresponding sample. The definition of BIOPROJECT can be found in NCBI. TRIP needs this to download reads.

The ASSEMBLY column should be correct, otherwise TRIP cannot process corresponding sample. The definition of ASSEMBLY can be found in NCBI. TRIP needs this to get genome size for further computation.

In example_input.tsv, we have 2 samples to check. One is CARCR (Cariama cristata), another is HARAX (Harmonia axyridis). For CARCR, the BIOPROJECT is PRJNA212889, the ASSEMBLY is GCA_000690535.1 (GCF_000690535.1 also works).

output files

└── [4.0K Jan 23  0:14]  TRIP_results
    ├── [4.0K Jan 23  0:14]  barplots
    │?? ├── [376K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_percent_repeats_len_per_read.pdf
    │?? ├── [377K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_percent_repeat_unit_in_sequences.pdf
    │?? ├── [377K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_repeats_len_per_genome.pdf
    │?? ├── [377K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_repeats_len_per_million_reads.pdf
    │?? ├── [376K Jan 22 23:23]  HARAX_percent_repeats_len_per_read.pdf
    │?? ├── [377K Jan 22 23:23]  HARAX_percent_repeat_unit_in_sequences.pdf
    │?? ├── [377K Jan 22 23:23]  HARAX_repeats_len_per_genome.pdf
    │?? └── [377K Jan 22 23:23]  HARAX_repeats_len_per_million_reads.pdf
    ├── [4.0K Jan 23  0:12]  CARCR
    │?? ├── [ 617 Jan 22 19:17]  CARCR_PRJNA212889_tsv.txt
    │?? ├── [6.7M Jan 23  0:12]  CARCR.repeat
    │?? ├── [651K Jan 23  0:12]  CARCR_repeatsummary.tsv
    │?? ├── [  32 Jan 23  0:12]  CARCR.stat
    │?? ├── [  90 Jan 23  0:12]  CRPG_input.tsv
    │?? ├── [ 410 Jan 22 19:17]  ENA2URL.sh
    │?? ├── [  10 Jan 23  0:03]  genome_size
    │?? ├── [  32 Jan 23  0:02]  md5_log
    │?? ├── [261M Jan 22 20:04]  SRR953484_1.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [1.0G Jan 22 22:34]  SRR953484_2.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [816M Jan 22 21:04]  SRR953485_1.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [1.5G Jan 22 23:42]  SRR953485_2.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [ 268 Jan 22 19:17]  url
    │?? ├── [ 268 Jan 22 19:17]  url_filtered
    │?? └── [ 209 Jan 22 19:17]  wget.sh
    ├── [4.0K Jan 23  0:14]  filtered_tables
    │?? ├── [ 73K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_output.csv
    │?? └── [ 42K Jan 22 23:23]  HARAX_output.csv
    ├── [4.0K Jan 22 23:22]  HARAX
    │?? ├── [  90 Jan 22 23:22]  CRPG_input.tsv
    │?? ├── [2.0G Jun  8  2020]  DRR100149_1.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [2.0G Jun  6  2020]  DRR100150_1.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [2.2G Jun  6  2020]  DRR100150_2.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [201M Jan 22 21:11]  DRR100152_2.fastq.gz
    │?? ├── [ 410 Jan 22 19:17]  ENA2URL.sh
    │?? ├── [   9 Jan 22 23:00]  genome_size
    │?? ├── [1.1K Jan 22 19:17]  HARAX_PRJDB6162_tsv.txt
    │?? ├── [ 16M Jan 22 23:22]  HARAX.repeat
    │?? ├── [405K Jan 22 23:22]  HARAX_repeatsummary.tsv
    │?? ├── [  32 Jan 22 23:22]  HARAX.stat
    │?? ├── [  32 Jan 22 23:00]  md5_log
    │?? ├── [ 536 Jan 22 19:17]  url
    │?? ├── [ 268 Jan 22 19:17]  url_filtered
    │?? └── [ 209 Jan 22 19:17]  wget.sh
    ├── [4.0K Jan 23  0:14]  TR_candidates
    │?? ├── [ 65K Jan 23  0:14]  CARCR_output.csv.0.filtered.xlsx
    │?? ├── [ 43K Jan 23  0:14]  HARAX_output.csv.1.filtered.xlsx
    │?? ├── [6.0K Jan 23  0:14]  TR_candidates.qualified.dominant.xlsx
    │?? └── [5.9K Jan 23  0:14]  TR_candidates.qualified.xlsx
    └── [ 932 Jan 23  0:14]  TRIP.log.csv

The output files can be downloaded in BOX

TRIP_results/each_sample :

  • each sample has one independent folder.
  • CARCR_PRJNA212889_tsv.txt is the downloaded reads records file
  • CARCR.repeat CARCR.repeatsummary.tsv and CARCR.stat are the RepeatMaster processed results
  • ENA2URL.sh genome_size md5_log url url_filtered wget.sh are intermediate files. url records all the reads urls of corresponding sample. url_filtered records the reads that will be downloaded and processed by TRIP (downsampled to save time), you can manually modify url_filtered if needed.
  • SRR9946514_2.fastq.gz SRR9946514_1.fastq.gz are downloaded reads
  • CRPG_input.tsv is file that will pass to cal_repeats_per_genome_and_percent_of_len_linux.py in TRIP


  • *_output.csv include all the parameters TRIP calculated for each sample. The column names are easy to understand. You can also refer to our article for more details.

TRIP_results/TR_candidates :

  • TR_candidates.qualified.xlsx includes TRM candidates that passed the 5 hard-cut-off
  • TR_candidates.qualified.dominant.xlsx includes TRM candidates that passed the 5 hard-cut-off and dominant criteria.
  • NOTICE, TRIP also recommend support criteria, which means, the TRM candidate in TR_candidates.qualified.dominant.xlsx, should have same candidate from same family species, or other experiment, or genome assembly, as the support. For example, you found a novel TRM in species1, and no one reported it before. You should use TRIP to identify the same TRM in another same-family-species2, to support each other. This is important to exclude false positive cases.


  • barplots of 4 parameters which can be used for publication.
  • NOTICE, AACCT is equivalent to TTAGG, because DNA is reverse complementary pairing.
  • In example, TRIP didn't identify the TRM of CARCR, but from the barplots, we can see AACCCT is outstanding. Therefore, a great probability of TTAGGG as TRM. In such condition, users should finish downloading the reads files of CARCR and re-run TRIP.

Usage on local data

command line

Users need to understand the structure of TRIP. Read TRIP structure.

Firstly, run module4.py

python3 path/to/TRIP/module_4.py path/to/TRIP/RepeatDetector_v2 path/to/TRIP/RepeatSummary_v2 path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/CARCR 1 25 16 path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/SRR953484_2.fastq.gz path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/SRR953485_2.fastq.gz path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/SRR953484_1.fastq.gz path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/SRR953485_1.fastq.gz path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/CARCR_repeatsummary.tsv path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR/CARCR.repeat

1,25,16 are the -r,-R,-n parameters of RepeatDetector_v2 TRIP take all reads as single end reads.

Then, perpare the content in path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR folder. To know which content are needed, please check the BOX. Then run module5.py

python3 path/to/TRIP/module_5.py path/to/TRIP/cal_repeats_per_genome_and_percent_of_len_linux.py HARAX path/to/TRIP_results/CARCR parent_dir_of_TRIP_results/(which is test/ in this case)

cal_repeats_per_genome_and_percent_of_len_linux.py for caculations and plots.

Finally, run module6.py

python3 path/to/TRIP/module_6.py path/to/TRIP_results/filtered_tables 12000 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.5 0 0 3 999 path/to/TRIP_results/TR_candidates path/to/TRIP/filter_output_tables_to_xlsx.py

12000 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.5 0 0 3 999 are the parameters/threshould. Check module_6.py source code, or see TRIP help manual. filter_output_tables_to_xlsx.py to filter the results using 5-hard-cut-off and criteria 1.

TRIP structure

## module 1
Given the NAME column and output_dir, check whether name-folder exists (delete if exists),
otherwise, create it. Create processed_tables folder in the working dir to store tables processed from
repeatmaster output. Create barplots folder to store 4 types of barplots generated
from proccessed tables. Create filtered_tables to store filtered tables from
processed tables. Create manual.txt to record failed NAMEs for further manual

for each thread:
    ## module 2
    Given the BIOPROJECT, download the record file from ENA database to the
    name-folder. Then use parsing script to extract FASTQ file FTP locations.
    Download the FASTQ files to the name-folder.
    ## module 3
    Given the ASSEMBLY, web-scrap the "Total ungapped length" from NCBI website.
    Write the genome_size to genome_size file in name-folder.
    ## module 4
    Given the dir to repeatmaster (come with TRIP), process the FASTQ files in name-folder
    and generate intermediates into name-folder.
    ## module 5
    Process the repeatmaster output tables and store filtered tables into filtered_tables.
    Store barplots into barplots folder.

## module 6
Given the filtration parameters to filter the processed tables in processed_tables
and generate the TRM candidates folder to store TRM candidates.

We suggest users to read original code when needed.


Why my TRIP seems not to be running?

At beginning, you may observe no running via htop or other background-check command, which is because TRIP is downloading files. You can use tree path/to/TRIP_results to check files current status simutaneously, the wget method built-in TRIP consumes neglectable computing resources.

Can TRIP handle long sequencing reads?

We haven't tested it. But we offer --skip_subreads, which will let TRIP skip reads names containing "subreads". Usually, file names containing "subreads" means long sequencing reads.

TRIP didn't finish downloading the reads?

This may happen because of local connection internet limitations and you may need to re-try downloading (just re-run the TRIP). However, even with truncated reads file, TRIP ususally can still identify the correct TRM. For example, in the output file section above, our downloads also truncated, but TRIP still identified the AACCT in HARAX. On the other hand, you can still re-run the TRIP with --continue True, TRIP will continue from the truncated downloads.