All work has been done. A simple tool for you to check your the planes flying all over the world.
use python3 --cli to open method one.
inputhelpto get more information.
use python3 --web to lanuch a server for you to open a web which contains the interactive UI for you to use.

Additionally some functions are only availble for resberry pi because of the need of LED pins.

Please do not fork Just get into your own branch

It's very important to know the difference between fork and branch.

Fork means a completely now repo.

Branch means you develop your part in the same repo.

Furthermore, there are a variety of functions accessible if and only if through using branch.

If you want to learn more, search for more information on the Internet.

To get started:

git clone ...
git checkout "your own branch's name" (I have created for you, like ylliu\ydqiu\htwei)

To commit:

If you have finished the part belongs to you, when committing to your own repo.

please give detailed message concluding the specific functions you edited in order to make the commandgit reflogeasier to use

To Push:

It is not necessary to give a tag.

git push origin (your branch)

Remember not to create files with the same name in branch:master
Remember to push your code to your own branch not the master