
NGINX-VOD Homebrew Tap

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NGINX-VOD Homebrew Tap

This tap is designed specifically for a customized build of NGINX with VOD module.


You can install the tap by running the following command:

brew tap Y-Lab/nginx-vod

For a list of available configuration options run:

brew options nginx-vod
brew info nginx-vod

Once the tap is installed, you can install nginx-vod, i.e. nginx with nginx-vod-module:

brew install nginx-vod


You are free to install this version alongside a current install of NGINX from Homebrew/homebrew-core if you wish. However, they cannot be linked at the same time. To switch between them use Homebrew's built-in linking system.

brew unlink nginx
brew link nginx-vod


Formula Forked From Repository Version Latest Release
NGINX-VOD 📄 nginx.rb 📦 nginx/nginx 1.17.6 GitHub tag
VOD 📄 vod-nginx-module.rb 📦 kaltura/nginx-vod-module 1.25 GitHub tag