Directory Bookmark Manager for easy access to directories on the console.
Get the binary
Clone the repository and build the binary file from downloaded repository.
go build .
Run executable
To run DirMage, place the configuration file and directories list file in the same directory as the binary. These two files are created when you first start up.
Commandline arguments
There are three options currently being implemented.
- add
- edit
- remove
default (No argument)
Switch to directory select mode
add -a
Switch to directotry add mode
edit -e
Switch to directory edit mode
remove -r
Switch to directory remove mode
Directories List
Directories list file is written in JSON format. Directory information should be grouped by operating systems.
"Linux": [],
"Windows": [
"name": "C-Drive",
"description": "",
"path": "C:\\",
"enabled": true
"name": "UserDirectory",
"description": "User Home",
"path": "%USERPROFILE%",
"enabled": false
Config Options
Config file is written in TOML format.
TOML's syntax primarily consists of key = "value"
pairs, [section names]
, and # comments
- References : TOML Official website
dirs_file = "my-directories.json"
page_size = 15
selector_text = "{$Name} <{$Path}>"
edit_selector_text = "{$Enabled}{$Name} <{$Path}>"
enabled_text = [" ", "*"]
prompt_text = "\n{32}[{$DirName}] {0}{36}{$WorkingDir} {37}{$Git}{37}\n$ "
Replaceable text
Scope | Replaceable | Means |
Selector | {$Name} |
Directory name |
{$Desc} |
Directory description | |
{$Path} |
Directory path | |
{$Enabled} |
Display directory info in select mode | |
Terminal | {$DirName} |
Directory name of the selected item |
{$WorkingDir} |
The working directory of the terminal opened by the selected item | |
{$Git} |
Display the Git information when if the working directory is local repository | |
Global | {Number} |
Color escape sequences |
Color escape sequences
replace to \e[31m
it means Foreground color red
- Reference : ANSI Escape Code
{31}Foreground Red
{42}Background Green
{93;42}Foreground Yellow and Background Green
- AlecAivazis/Survey [MIT License]
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Y-Ysss