quick messaging, randomly generated room codes, users with the same group code SHARE messages
There is no signing up, no form of identity, how this works means none of that is NEEDED
The only entity is GROUP where instances are group codes
Users can send text to and receive text from a specific group code
Therefore, all users SHARING the same group code can SHARE TEXT
node path/to/msging.js loads the program
You can edit specifics.js to customise stuff like the output colours and IF/NO sound
When running, you can type \
followed by a group code/key to join a group
The server won't tell you if the group code was a valid one(if you send messages and nothing is getting SHARED, the group code is invalid)
Or you can type \\
to make a new group(Naturally, the group code GIVEN in this case would be valid)
The colours are ascii codes for colour, there are some example colour codes in colours variable while a BETTER list exists here
Change up the export values in specifics.js to change the display when next you're running this
As for the sound part, make it true
for a default system sound to happen every time there are new messages