A repository of code related to Kirchoff forests on graphs and associated estimators. This code is experimental, don't use it for anything serious (yet).
Authors: Simon Barthelmé, Nicolas Tremblay, Yusuf Yigit Pilavci, Guillaume Gautier (CNRS, Gipsa-lab).
See examples/basic.jl
This package implements the methods described in the following papers:
- YY Pilavcı, PO Amblard, S Barthelmé, N Tremblay. Graph Tikhonov regularization and interpolation via random spanning forests. IEEE transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks. arXiv:2011.10450
- YY Pilavcı, PO Amblard, S Barthelmé, N Tremblay. Variance Reduction in Stochastic Methods for Large-Scale Regularized Least-Squares Problems. EUSIPCO. arXiv:2110.07894
- Barthelmé, S, Tremblay, N, Gaudillière, A, Avena, L, Amblard, P O (2019). Estimating the Inverse Trace using Random Forests on Graphs. GRETSI. arXiv:1905.02086