
API to perform money transaction between two accounts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


API to perform money transaction between two accounts

Getting Started

This is an API for transfer money between two accounts. 
It's a Restful API and it's based on MVC design pattern 
and implements DAO layer approach for a better integration 
and best practice coding.


This API works with mongoose to persist data on a local database. So you must setting up a local MongoDB database.

The database name has to be: transfermoney-app-db.


  • accounts
  • transactions

Note: All collections will be generated automatically by mongoose driver once an account and transaction was created.


For launch app just execute node following node command:

~./TransferMoneyAPI$ node app.js
Once the app is running, for Swagger launch and get access for all end-points, 
copy and paste next url en your browser:


As first step, you must go to: 

To create the two accounts that will be 
used for transfer money (mongoose driver just take
control over collections creation).

To get Account balance:

To transfer money:

To get all Account's transactions:

To get all Account's sent transacions:

To get all Account's received transcations:

Note: As you can see, the app is running locally

Built With

  • Node.js - The web back-end development environment used.
  • express - Node framework.
  • bodry-parser - Body and params, request-resposne parser dependency.
  • mongoose - Used for object data modeling and generates databse queries.
  • swagger-jsdoc - Used to autogenerate documentation (dependency).
  • swagger-ui-express - Used to generate a Swagger UI documentation (dependency).
