Aquarium Management!


Use the following data to solve the problems below. But first, let's look at this together!

var  aquarium = {
    filledWithWater: true,
    capacityInGallons: 12,
    numberOfRocks: 5,
    fish: [
                type: 'goldfish' ,
                size: '3.5 inches',
                color: 'golden'
                type: 'puffer',
                size: '4 inches',
                color: 'tan'
                type: 'clown',
                size: '3 inches',
                color: 'orange'
  1. access the value of the capacityInGallons key
  2. add 2 rocks to the numberOfRocks in the aquarium
  3. access the clown fish and print the object.
  4. access the size of the puffer fish.
  5. your goldfish grew! Access the 'size' key of goldfish and reassign it to '4 inches'.
  6. you bought a new fish! Make a new object for a 5 inch long, blue starfish and add it to the fish array.