W07D05: Recipe Of The Day

For this homework we will be making a basic site for a Recipe of the Day site.


You've been provided an empty react app that's ready for use. This is just the standard create-react-app scaffold with a couple additions to prepare us for this app.

You've been given a directory called data, inside there is a file called recipes.js and another called recipeOfTheDay.js. These files each contain data that will be used in this app.

Component Details:

RecipeOfTheDay Component

The RecipeOfTheDay Component renders all the information for the Recipe of the Day on the right side of the app. It will render all the data about the Recipe of the Day, Grandma's Mashed Potatoes. As part of that, it will render each ingredient from the recipe as well.

  1. Import the data from data/recipeOfTheDay.js into RecipeIOfTheDay component.
  2. This component should have a method called renderIngredients(). This method should render an Ingredient component for each ingredient in the recipe! The ingredient name and amount should be passed to the each Ingredient component via props. Lost? Remember to look at the examples from todays blog codealong (hint: it involves .map). This method should be called in the render() with {this.renderIngredients()}.
  3. The RecipeOfTheDay component should also render the name and the description from the the data.
  4. Add in the finishing details: in the render function add <h2> tags for "Recipe Of the Day", "Description", and "Ingredients" in the right spots. This test can just be typed directly render function, you do not need to use embedded javascript for these tags.
  5. Add the RecipeOfTheDay component to be rendered in the App.js component.

Ingredient Component

The Ingredient component is used in the Recipe of the Day component. It renders each individual ingredient from the Grandma's Mashed Potatoes Recipe.

  1. In the RecipeOfTheDay component you passed the data for the ingredients each Ingredients component via props. Access the properties so that each ingredient has the name and amount values in the render() function. You can use <p>, <span>, or whatever you feel make sense.

Recipes Component

The Recipes Component is used to import the data from data/recipes and render each Recipe component inside of it. Each recipe gets its own component, so the Recipes component also handles passing the data for each recipe to it's component. The Recipes component is rendered in App.js

Note: be attentive to when Recipes and Recipe components are being used.

  1. Import the data from data/recipes.js into the Recipes component.
  2. This component should have a method called renderRecipes(). This should should render a Recipe component for each recipe in the data/recipes.js file. Use the .map strategy to pass the data as props to each Recipe.
  3. Call the renderRecipes() method in the render() function using {this.renderRecipes()}. Also add an <h1> tag at the top that says "Recipes".
  4. Render the Recipes component in the App.js component.


The Recipe component is used to render an individual recipe from the data/recipes.js. All of them are rendered in the Recipes component.

  1. For each recipe, render the name, servings, and category as <li> tags. You might want to wrap that in a <div>!

Add Styling!

Add some basic styling so it your app looks decent. Bare minimum, give each component some dimensions and a fresh background color.