Active Record! Rejoice!


For tonights homework we'll be revisiting the Cheesy SQL homework, but doing it with ActiveRecord! This assignment has two parts:

Part 1: ActiveRecord-fying SQL:

For this part you should edit this Take a look at each of the SQL commands and determine the ActiveRecord commands that should replace those SQL commands. For each question replace the #your active record solution with the ActiveRecord command that does the same thing as the SQL command.

If you have any questions, or see anything you haven't seen yet, the documentation for Rails is wonderful.

For all solutions, pretend that you have a model called Cheese.

Add these cheeses to your database:

  • Roquefort, a yellow french cheese with a stink level of 5

    INSERT INTO cheeses (name, color, origin, stink_level) VALUES ('Roquefort', 'yellow', 'French', 5);
    Cheese.create({name :'Roquefort' , color : 'yellow' , origin : 'French' , stink_level : 5 })
  • Charolais, a white french cheese with a stink level of 5

    INSERT INTO cheeses (name, color, origin, stink_level) VALUES ('Charolais', 'white', 'French', 5);

Cheese.create({name :'Charolais' , color : 'white' , origin : 'French' , stink_level : 5 })

- Hooligan, a yellow American cheese with a stink level of 3
INSERT INTO cheeses (name, color, origin, stink_level) VALUES ('Hooligan', 'yellow', 'American', 3);
Cheese.create({name :'Hooligan' , color : 'yellow' , origin : 'American' , stink_level : 3 })
  • Teleme, a white american cheese with a stink level of 2
    INSERT INTO cheeses (name, color, origin, stink_level) VALUES ('Teleme', 'white', 'American', 2);
      Cheese.create({name :'Teleme' , color : 'white' , origin : 'American' , stink_level : 2 })
  • And then we inserted a few more cheeses, but I think you get the point. Moving on!

Choosing Cheese

  • Find all the cheeses

    SELECT * FROM cheeses;
  • Find all the French cheeses

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE origin = 'French';
    Cheese.where({origin = "French"}).select :name
  • Find all the English cheeses

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE origin = 'English';

Cheese.where({origin = "English"}).select :name

- Find all cheeses with a stink level of 2
SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE stink_level = 2;
Cheese.where({stink_level = 2}).select :name
  • Find all cheeses with a stink level of 10

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE stink_level = 10;
    Cheese.where({stink_level = 10}).all
  • Find all French cheeses with a stink level of 5

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE origin = 'French' AND stink_level = 5;
    Cheese.where({stink_level = 5 , origin = "French"}).select :name
  • Find all Irish cheeses with a stink level of 6

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE origin = 'Irish' AND stink_level = 6;

Cheese.where({stink_level = 6 , origin = "Irish"}).select :name

- Find all cheeses with a stink level of at least 4, but no greater than 8.
SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE stink_level >= 4 OR stink_level <= 8;
Cheese.where({stink_level >= 4 || stink_level <= 8}).select :name
  • Find all American and English cheeses.

    SELECT name FROM cheeses WHERE origin = 'American' OR origin = 'English';
    Cheese.where({ origin = "American" || origin = "English"}).select
  • Find all cheeses that are not from France.

    SELECT * FROM cheeses WHERE origin NOT IN ('French');
    Cheese.where.not({origin="French" }).select

Restocking Cheese

The cheese game is changing constantly. Let's update our cheeses.

  • Change the stink level of Roquefort to 3

    UPDATE cheeses SET stink_level = 3 WHERE name = 'Roquefort';
    Cheese.where(name: Roquefort).update_attribute(:stink_level, 3)
  • Change the color of Teleme to "mauve"

    UPDATE cheeses SET color = 'mauve' WHERE name = 'Teleme';
    Cheese.where(name: "Teleme").update_attribute(:color, "mauve")
  • Delete the Hooligan cheese

    DELETE from cheeses WHERE name = 'Hooligan';
  • Change the stink level of Stichelton to be 7

    UPDATE cheeses SET stink_level = 7 WHERE name = 'Stichelton';
    Cheese.where(name: "Stichelton").update_attribute(:stink_level, 7)
  • Add the cheese "Monterey Jack", an American cheese with a stink level of 0

    INSERT INTO cheeses (name, color, origin, stink_level) VALUES ('Monterey Jack', 'white', 'American', 0);
    Cheese.create({name: "Monterey Jack", color: "white", origin: "American", stink_level: 0})
  • Delete Durrus

    DELETE FROM cheeses WHERE name = 'Durrus';
    Cheese.where({name: "Durrus"}).delete

Part 2: Review Today's Lesson:

Review the file from today's lesson here then answer the following questions:

  • In express we built our routes inside of our controller, where do you put routes in a rails app?
    in its own folder
  • Should a rails model be lower-case and plural, upper-case and plural, lower-case and singular, or upper-case and singular?
    models should be upper-case and singular
  • What kind of files belong in the assets directory?
    stylesheets , js , image 
  • What does the command rails db:drop do?
    drops the data base < baaad 
  • What does the command rails c do?
    opens up the rails console 
  • What is an ORM? What does it stand for?
    its a Object-relational mapping tool that converts incompatible type system using OOP
  • What does a migration file do?
    defines the database's tables and how its gonna look like 
  • How do you run your migration files?
    rails db:create
    rails db:migrate
  • How do you start a rails server?
    rails s 
  • What is the command to start a new rails API called "reasons_why_ghadeer_rules"?
    rails new reasons_why_ghadeer_rules --api -G --database=postgresql
  • What is an API?
    ITS A WEB SITE WITH DATA BUT HAS NO VIEWS or apis have no fiends btw