
NET Core Identity,JWT,Role Based Authorization,Vue3,Vuex,Fluent Validation,Vuelidate,AOP,Admin Dashboard,Sending Emails,Complete Account Management

Primary LanguageC#

.NET5 with VueJS 3 Composition API (Quasar Framework) ECommerce Project

Ecommerce Gif



  • .NET5
  • Entity Framework Core – Code First
  • Response Wrappers
  • Repository Pattern
  • Action Filters
  • Automapper
  • Pagination,Search,Filter(Autofilterer)
  • Net Core Identity with JWT Authentication,Refresh Token
  • Role Based Authorization
  • Database Seeding
  • Custom Exception Handling Middleware
  • Complete User Management (Register / Generate Token / Forgot Password / Confirmation Mail)
  • Logging (Serilog),Memory Caching,Validation (Fluent Validation),Transaction,Exception,Performance with Aspects (Autofac,Castle.DynamicProxy)


  • Vue3
  • Composition API
  • Vuelidate
  • Vuex
  • Route guards
  • Dashboard

How To Start Asp Net Core API

For asp net core, you must edit the appsettings.json file before typing these commands.

dotnet ef migrations add CreateDatabase --context ECommerceContext --project "DataAccess" --startup-project "WebAPI"
dotnet ef database update --context ECommerceContext --project "DataAccess" --startup-project "WebAPI"

After these commands, a database will be created. Default Admin Account :

Username : admin
Password : 159357456qW

Checkout Page Credit Card Information :

CardName : "John Doe"
CardName : "5528790000000008"
ExpirationMonth : "12"
ExpirationYear : "2030"
Cvc : "123"

How To Start Quasar Project

Project requires Quasar Framework

npm install
quasar dev