
HeapAnalytics Python library for server-side integration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A module for using the HeapAnalytics Server-Side API (https://heapanalytics.com/docs/server-side).

The heapanalytics package allows you to easily track events and update user properties from your python application.

Getting Started

The HeapAnalytics class is the primary class for tracking events and sending user updates.

from heapanalytics import HeapAnalytics

app_id = "XXXXXXXXXX"
heap = HeapAnalytics(app_id)

# Send an event
heap.track('12345', 'Welcome email sent', {'Email': 'john@example.com'})

# Update user profile
        'First name': 'John',
        'Last name': 'Smith',