
Duva&Crow (1994) creep model with implemented with Abaqus CREEP subroutine

Primary LanguageFortranMIT LicenseMIT


Duva&Crow (1994) pressure dependent creep model implemented with Abaqus CREEP subroutine

Written on Intel® Fortran Version 19.0.5 (Abaqus 2023)


Name: Youngbin LIM
E-mail: lyb0684@naver.com

Run command

abaqus job=model_name user=Powder_Creep.for int cpus=(number of cpus)

Single Element Test

Single element test was performed for in-plane compression with plain strain condition to validate the CREEP sbroutine. The relative density history was compared with reference case (Introduction to Computational Plasticity, Dunne and Petrinic, 2005). Material parameters for the validation model is applied in the subroutine and input files


Indentation Simulation

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