
A mutable AST for code manipulation with Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A mutable AST for source code transformation with Python


  • Perhaps a Python package
  • Java Language Features
    • Method reference
    • Anonymous class
    • Call expressions with type arguments
    • ...
  • Function-level support for perhaps C/C++

Getting Started

Setting up the environment

Current implementation requires tree sitter to convert source code to ASTs. because the author is too weak to write a parser.

pip install tree-sitter inflection

After installing the tree_sitter package, clone and build parsers for programming languages.

# create a directory to store sources
mkdir tree-sitter
cd tree-sitter

# currently only Java is supported
git clone https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-java.git

# return to base directory
cd ..

Then build the parsers with

python build_tree_sitter.py tree-sitter

Running the tests

We have unittests that are unfortunately incomplete and unsound.

Test files can be found in ./test. To run all tests,

python run_all_tests.py

To run a single test,

# python -m unittest tests.test_module.test_class
python -m unittest tests.test_java_expr.TestJavaCallExpr

Expect outputs like AssertionError: True is not false (no you dont

Using mutable trees

from tree_sitter import Parser, Language
from mutable_tree.adaptor import JavaAdaptor

# the only transformation visitor available ><💦
from tree_manip.transforms import ForToWhileVisitor

code = """
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    for (int j; j < 100; ++j) {
        int k = i + j;

# parse code with tree_sitter
parser = Parser()
parser.set_language(Language('./parser/languages.so', 'java'))
tree = parser.parse(code.encode())

# convert to mutable tree with adaptors
# NOTE: functionality is extremely limited for now
mutable_root = JavaAdaptor.convert_program(tree.root_node)

# transforming all for-loops to while-loops
visitor = ForToWhileVisitor()
new_root = visitor.visit(mutable_root)

# convert trees back to source code
stringifier = JavaStringifier()

# NOTE: does not support indentations
new_code = stringifier.stringify(new_root)