- 87003697The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- BaofengZan
- baoqianyueXidian University
- chengyalong123
- CoderChen01Anhui Polytechnic University
- csslcThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- cswryHK, China
- csyxweiHarbin Institute of Technology
- DTennantShanghai
- EduardoPach@argmaxinc
- ElenaViewSynthesisMeta AI
- GuoShi28China
- hedachun321
- henry678
- hiyyg
- HuashengPang
- InnoFang
- Joyies
- KooryeUniversity of Eletronic Science and Technology of China
- lcxrocksNanjing University @MCG-NJU
- lily-2001
- liujingqwq
- mt-clyPolyU
- newer-sh
- ranchongzhiXidian University
- strongwolfHK
- theEricMaThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Wang-pengfeiHong Kong Polytechnic University
- wuyujackNorthwestern University
- XGGNetThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- YBZhThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- ytaek-ohKAIST
- Yushu-LiSouth China University of Technology
- ZhuWenjie98PolyU
- ZongChen
- zwq456Tianjin University