
Primary LanguageVerilog

Team Number: 					xohw21-114
Project Name:					Implementation of Hummingbird Encryption Algorithm
Link to YouTube Video:				https://youtu.be/mu5e4rd4wVE
Link to Project repository: 			https://github.com/eliecudkowicz/Implementation-of-Hummingbird-Encryption-Algorithm

University Name:				Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)
Participant 1:					Elie Cudkowicz
Participant 1 E-mail:				cudkowic@g.jct.ac.il
Participant 2:					Itamar Yunnian
Participant 1 E-mail:				yunyan@g.jct.ac.il
Supervisor:					Uri Stroh
Supervisor E-mail:				stroh@jct.ac.il

Board used:					Basys 3
Software Version:				Vivado 2020.2

Description of Project:
We implemented the Hummingbird-2 encryption algorithm on the Artix-7 FPGA of the Basys3 board.
To send and receive data to and from the board we used Arduino Nano ATmega 328P.

Description of Archive:
Hummingbird-2 codes: 		all the required codes for the algorithm.
				Top level is "top_wrapper_arduino"
				XDC constraint for implementation is "hummingbird_top_wrapper_const"
				Arduino Code to send and receive data "the_arduinoCode"
Hummingbird-2 documents:	Hummingbird-2 project report
				Hummingbird-2 blocks diagram
				Hummingbird-2 presentation

Instruction to built and test the project:
Implementation: 			1. In vivado, open a new project
					2. Add all the source codes from "Hummingbird-2 codes"
					3. Add the xdc constraint.
					4. Choose the required chip: Artix-7, XC7A35T1CPG236C (speed -1)
					5. Run Synthesys, Implementation and generate BitStream.
					6. Program the device.
Arduino:				1. Connect the Arduino Nano ATmega 328p to the Basys3 according to the pins mentionned at the beggining of the arduino code
					and the constraint table from the report (table 1).
					2. Open the arduino code with Arduino 1.8.13 tool.
					3. Run the arduino code and open the serial monitor on the tool.
					4. Insert the data you want to encrypt according to the instruction on the monitor.
					5. On the same window, you get the ciphertext!
Reset:					Before any new run, reset the basys3 board with the middle Push-button on it.