1h 51m - Connecting dependencies and packages - not difficult but long

* create template of application
* configure dependencies
* modeling and develop architecture of application including React/Redux/Redux-Saga template

2h 23m - The hardest was develop fully right skeleton

* develop a skeleton of application
* added `react-native-navigation`
* processed default HomeScreen
* and done header with fully styles
* done "Mustache" header margin

1h 46m - Most hard part was tracking keyboard height and dynamically changing CHAT body height

* created input form
* connected to the redux store
* styled and docked to the bottom
* tracked overlayed keyboard and make dynamically changing of body height

3h 46m - Hard was developing architecture for future modifying

* made chat
* designed STORE for future architecture
* fully finished reducers
* designed/styled messages
* connected store to the HomeScreen

2h 23m - Most hard part was docking left/right, own/NOT message

* fully finished architecture
* written 1 method of API
* connected redux-saga to the redux store
* styled for left/right positioning of messages: means is it mine or Elomias
* added some kind of feat-s like: validation if input are empty then sending button hidden
* after pressed 'ENTER' input field are clearing
* set max size of input field and other small feat etc.  

##Total 12h 11m