ydlidar timeout 1 timeout 2

Opened this issue · 5 comments

when i use ydlidar X4 , i use the serial tool to read ydlidar data, the lidar is normal rotation.
but when i use the launch cmd to launch the ydlidar, i have the following issure, then the ydlidar is stop

Firmware version: 1.10
Hardware version: 1
Model: X4
Serial: 2020062200002209
[YDLIDAR INFO] Current Sampling Rate : 5K
[YDLIDAR INFO] Current Scan Frequency: 7.600000Hz
timout count: 1
timout count: 2
fhs_unlock: Removing LockFile
fhs_lock: creating lockfile: 9137

it is always timeout 1 timeout 2

Same problem here.
When i use the Windows Software from the website ydlidar.com it works like a charme, but it takes a few seconds (around 5-7) to receive the data after i clicked the start button.
But when I try to use the SDK sample under Ubuntu 20.04 I get the timeout count.

same error. Is there any update?

__   ______  _     ___ ____    _    ____  
\ \ / /  _ \| |   |_ _|  _ \  / \  |  _ \ 
 \ V /| | | | |    | || | | |/ _ \ | |_) | 
  | | | |_| | |___ | || |_| / ___ \|  _ <  
  |_| |____/|_____|___|____/_/   \_\_| \_\ 

[0] ydlidar /dev/ttyS9
[1] ydlidar12 /dev/ttyUSB0
Please select the lidar port:1
[0] 115200
[1] 128000
[2] 150000
[3] 153600
[4] 230400
[5] 460800
[6] 512000
Please select the lidar baudrate:6
Whether the Lidar is one-way communication [yes/no]:yes
[YDLIDAR] SDK initializing
[YDLIDAR] SDK has been initialized
[YDLIDAR] SDK Version: 1.1.6
[YDLIDAR] Lidar successfully connected /dev/ttyUSB0[512000]
[YDLIDAR] Lidar running correctly! The health status: good
[YDLIDAR] Lidar init success, Elapsed time 623 ms
[YDLIDAR] Start to getting intensity flag
[YDLIDAR] End to getting intensity flag
[YDLIDAR] Create thread 0xC25FF640
[YDLIDAR] Successed to start scan mode, Elapsed time 2060 ms
timeout count: 1
timeout count: 2
timeout count: 1
[YDLIDAR DEBUG] Thread [0xC25FF640] ready to cancel[0]
[YDLIDAR DEBUG] Thread [0xC25FF640] ready to cancel[0] time[0]
[YDLIDAR] Thread [0xC25FF640] has been canceled
[YDLIDAR] Failed to turn on the Lidar, because the lidar is [Device Failed].
Fail to start Unknown error

  ______  _     ___ ____    _    ____  
\ \ / /  _ \| |   |_ _|  _ \  / \  |  _ \ 
 \ V /| | | | |    | || | | |/ _ \ | |_) | 
  | | | |_| | |___ | || |_| / ___ \|  _ <  
  |_| |____/|_____|___|____/_/   \_\_| \_\ 

[0] ydlidar /dev/ttyS9
[1] ydlidar12 /dev/ttyUSB0
Please select the lidar port:1
[0] 115200
[1] 128000
[2] 150000
[3] 153600
[4] 230400
[5] 460800
[6] 512000
Please select the lidar baudrate:6
Whether the Lidar is one-way communication [yes/no]:np
Please enter the lidar scan frequency[5-12]:10
[YDLIDAR] SDK initializing
[YDLIDAR] SDK has been initialized
[YDLIDAR] SDK Version: 1.1.6
[YDLIDAR] Lidar successfully connected /dev/ttyUSB0[512000]
[YDLIDAR] Error, cannot retrieve YDLidar health code: ffffffff
[YDLIDAR] Fail to get device information
[YDLIDAR] Lidar init success, Elapsed time 2662 ms
[YDLIDAR] Failed to start scan mode: ffffffff
Fail to start Unknown error

NiuCY commented

Different types of YDLidar have different sampling frequencies. This error should be caused by a mismatch in the sampling frequency settings.Try another baudrate.

NiuCY commented

Different types of YDLidar have different sampling frequencies. This error should be caused by a mismatch in the sampling frequency settings.Try another baudrate.

x2: 115200
x4: 128000

Could you help on how to use Viewer on Windows, after configurate the IP address I just can't open the website : (