INFO6250 - Web Dev Tools and Methods

This repository is how you will receive and submit your assignments and projects.

Key parts:

  • README - this document
  • - Instructions on installing and configuring needed software
  • - The class policy about copying/referring/otherwise working with other code. You MUST follow these rules
  • - Specifics about the expected class schedule and grading
  • work/ - Where new assignments appear and are submitted
  • classes/ - Where class notes appear
  • readings/ - Additional material for the class. I suggest you refer to this yourself, as it this material will only rarely be mentioned in class but it can be helpful regardless
  • samples/ - This will appear when I have samples to offer. You should LEARN how these work rather than copying the files.
  • project1/, project2/, final/ - These will appear for the various projects and are where you get and submit those projects