
Login/Signup System using PHP and MySQL as Database.

Primary LanguagePHP

Registration System

A Simple Website created using HTML/CSS with
Registration System (Login/Signup) implemented using PHP
and MySQL is used as a Database.

Note : Website is not Responsive for Mobile Devices, Use only on Large Screens for better experience.

Steps to Run

Step 1: Download and Install Xampp
  • Visit the official Xampp website (https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html) and download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Xampp. Choose the components you want to install (Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin) during the installation process.
Step 2: Start Xampp Control Panel
  • Once the installation is complete, open the Xampp Control Panel
    (you can find it in the installation directory or start menu).

  • Note : If you're on Windows, you might need to run the Control Panel as an administrator for certain actions.
Step 3: Start Apache and MySQL
    In the Xampp Control Panel, you will see the "Apache" and "MySQL" modules listed.
    Click the "Start" button next to "Apache" to start the Apache web server.
    Click the "Start" button next to "MySQL" to start the MySQL database server.
Step 4: Verify Apache and MySQL
  • After starting Apache and MySQL, check the status in the Xampp Control Panel.
    You should see "Running" next to both "Apache" and "MySQL" if they started successfully.

  • You can also verify if the servers are running by opening your web browser and
    navigating to http://localhost/ - if you see the Xampp welcome page, it means Apache is working.
Step 5: Create a New Folder for Your Website

Create a new folder in the Xampp "htdocs" directory. By default, it is located at
"C:\xampp\htdocs" on Windows,
"/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs" on macOS, and
"/opt/lampp/htdocs" on Linux.

Name the folder as you like; this will be the root folder for your website.

Step 6: Copy This Github Repository Files to that Folder

Place all these files in this github repository in the folder
you created in the "htdocs" directory.

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
In PhpMyAdmin, find an option called "Import" and Select the "anime.sql" file
provided in this repository. The database will be imported.

Step 7: Access Your Website

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/your-folder-name/
(replace "your-folder-name" with the name of the folder you created in step 5).

Your PHP/MySQL website should now be running,
and you can interact with it through the browser.

Step 8: Managing Your Database with PhpMyAdmin

To manage your MySQL database, you can use PhpMyAdmin,
a web-based tool that comes with Xampp.

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
In PhpMyAdmin, you can create databases, tables, and manage your database content.

Step 9: Stop Apache and MySQL

Click the "Stop" button next to "Apache" and "MySQL" to shut down the servers.


1. Main Page is Registration Homepage.
2. Sign up To Createa New Account.
3. Login to Proceed to the Website.
4. Once you Visit the Website.
5. You will see Logout Option.
6. Click on it to go back to Main Menu.