Large project mobile

The start of the large project mobile

Demo link:

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Table of Content:

About The App

Mobile implementation of the large project for COP 4331


In progress


TypeScript React Native Realm


  1. Inside the project folder, install node_modules
npm install 
  1. Start metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native. Metro "takes in an entry file and various options, and returns a single JavaScript file that includes all your code and its dependencies."— Metro Docs
npm run start

Let Metro Bundler run in its own terminal

  1. Open a new terminal inside the project folder and run android
npm run android

Alternative, you can also run on iOS, just replace android with ios in step 3. Currently, the project is being developed only on Android.


Enviroment Issues

Android Rebuild

  • Uninstall application from emulator
  • Close out emulator windows
  • Delete android build folder under app folder: android\app\build
  • rmdir node_modules
  • npm cache clean --force
  • npm install
  • npm run start
  • npm run android


in progress.




MIT license