
This repo enables you to train a crnn text recognition model even if you don't have data, you can generate different data for your special tasks and train models in the same flow!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CRNN Training from Data to Model

This repo implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) in pytorch. Origin repo could be found in crnn

This repo gives you a pipeline from how to generate the data, prepare the dataset and utilize the data you generate to train a crnn model.

1 Envrionment

python 3.7 & python 2.7 (in order to create lmdb dataset) pytorch 1.3.1 opencv + pytorch + lmdb +wrap_ctc


  • getLmdb.py must run in python2.x
  • warp_ctc_pytorch installation requires camke and nvcc

2 Create your own data

The data generator can be found in ./datasets/TextDataGenerator/

cd ./datasets/TextDataGenerator/

For more details, you can refer to the original repo

In this repo I only to introduce a simple way to genreate a multiligual dataset (the dictionary consists of 5 numbers, 5 latin letters and 5 chinese characters). If you want to create more complicated datasets, modify the files in ./dict/**.txt

To generate the data, run:

sh run_data.sh

Reuslts are saved in ./out/, here are some examples:



3 Train a new model

  1. Prepare data label

Move your training images and test images to a folder under ./datasets/. For example: ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME

run ./datasets/create_labels.py --data_root ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME

Now the labels of both training and testing set will be created.

ls ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME
test  test.txt train  train.txt

Spot on txt files:

000ba_523.jpg 000ba
001bb_656.jpg 001bb
00aba_7.jpg 00aba
00a五五_420.jpg 00a五五
00ca一_632.jpg 00ca一
  1. Prepare lmdb dataset
cd ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME
mkdir train_lmdb
mkdir test_lmdb
cd ..
conda deactivate
conda activate YOUR_PY2_ENV
python ./getLmdb.py

Modify the parameters in getLmdb.py

# lmdb output folder
outputPath = './datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME/train_lmdb' # shift to test
# the images and labels
imgdata = open("./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME/train.txt") # shift to test
  1. Train the model

python ./crnn_main.py

For example:

python ./crnn_main.py --trainroot ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME/train_lmdb --valroot ./datasets/YOUR_DATASET_NAME/test_lmdb --nh 256

Take a look at the process of training: training

Run demo

A demo program can be found in src/demo.py. Before running the demo, download a pretrained model from Baidu Netdisk or Dropbox. This pretrained model is converted from auther offered one by tool. Put the downloaded model file crnn.pth into directory data/. Then launch the demo by:

python demo.py

The demo reads an example image and recognizes its text content.

Example image: my_example_image

Expected output: loading pretrained model from ./data/crnn.pth a-----v--a-i-l-a-bb-l-ee-- => available