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RecipeRecommendation is an intelligent recommendation system designed to help users generate personalized recipe suggestions based on their dietary preferences and available ingredients. The system combines advanced machine learning algorithms and a rich ingredient database to provide accurate and diverse recipe recommendations that cater to different user needs.


1. User Preference Analysis

  • Dietary Preferences: Users can set their dietary preferences, including options like vegetarian, gluten-free, low sugar, and more.
  • Allergen Filtering: The system allows users to specify allergens (such as nuts, dairy, etc.) to ensure the recommended recipes are safe to consume.

2. Ingredient Management

  • Ingredient Inventory: Users can manage their ingredient inventory by inputting the ingredients they currently have available.
  • Smart Matching: The system recommends recipes that best match the available ingredients, reducing food waste.

3. Personalized Recommendations

  • History Analysis: The system analyzes users' historical choices and ratings to provide better-suited recipe recommendations.
  • Diverse Options: Each recommendation session provides multiple options, ensuring users have a variety of choices.

4. Social Interaction

  • Sharing Functionality: Users can share their favorite recipes on social media platforms.
  • Comments and Ratings: Users can comment on and rate recipes, helping other users make better choices.

Technical Architecture


  • User interface built with React.js, providing a smooth user experience.


  • Backend services powered by the Spring framework, handling user requests and data management.
  • Pinecone used as the vector database to support efficient similar recipe recommendations.


  • Nutritionix API used to fetch a rich set of ingredients and nutritional information.


  • The system is deployed on the AWS cloud platform, ensuring high availability and scalability.

Installation and Usage

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/YJCatherine/RecipeRecommendation.git
cd RecipeRecommendation

Install Dependencies

  • Frontend:
cd frontend
npm install
  • Backend:
cd backend
mvn install

Start the Services

  • Frontend:
npm start
  • Backend:
mvn spring-boot:run

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions to RecipeRecommendation! If you have suggestions or find any issues, please submit an issue or a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file.