Open Source Internship

During the internship for one month you would be closing my open source work tickets. Please read the details -

During Interview / Selection Phase

Independent Test

Close minimum 9 tickets from in your free time

The tasks are having internship label.

Just making sure you know GitHub. My open source work is on GitHub.

Follow proper English and casing while creating a pull request. PR slang means pull request, feel free creating a ticket on GitHub or tweeting at me if you have any questions.

After completing tasks

  • Create a PR as
    • Name as heading
    • Description should have
      • Name
      • Mail id
      • Tickets closed
      • PRs created
      • Timezone
      • Independent side projects work/writeup
      • Timeline doc
      • Channel availability
      • Daily meeting preffered timing

Work w/ @tapaswenipathak

  • I will reach you w/ further details / a scheduled meeting.
  • You submit one month timeline/plan.

The tasks would only be shared w/ the selected intern.

Work phase

  • Follow the timeline you create, work w/ @tapaswenipathak if you need anything, she would be working w/ you in this month just on different tasks as per her schedule.
  • Daily mail sync up (mornings). Meeting only if required.