

This repository contains the code and resources for a Healthcare Platform that uses SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) for data analysis. The project includes four data tables (Patient, Date, Episodes, Services), one fact table (Billing), and uses CSV files as the data source. The data warehouse is hosted on a SQL Server.

Project Structure

  • ETL/ - Contains SSIS packages for extracting, transforming, and loading data from CSV files into the SQL Server database.
  • HealthcareDW/ - Includes the SQL scripts for creating the database schema, tables, and SSAS cubes.
  • Data/ - This directory holds sample CSV data files used as the source for the ETL process.
  • Documentation/ - Documentation related to the project, including any design documents or guides.

Multidimensional Project

The "MultidimensionalProject1" in this repository is a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Multidimensional project. This project is a fundamental component of our healthcare platform, designed to provide powerful data analysis and reporting capabilities.

Project Purpose

The primary purpose of the Multidimensional Project is to create multidimensional data models and cubes that enable in-depth analysis of healthcare-related data. This project plays a critical role in transforming raw data from our CSV sources into a structured, efficient, and accessible format for reporting and analysis.

Key Components

  • Data Source: The project is connected to our data source, which includes CSV files containing essential healthcare data. These files serve as the foundation for our multidimensional analysis.

  • Data Source Views (DSVs): DSVs are used to define how data from the source files is structured within the project, establishing relationships and hierarchies that facilitate analysis.

  • Cubes: Our project defines cubes that encompass measures and dimensions. These cubes are instrumental in summarizing and categorizing data, allowing us to gain insights from various angles.

  • Dimensions: Dimensions provide context to the data by categorizing and organizing information hierarchically. In our healthcare platform, dimensions such as "Time," "Patient," "Episodes," and "Services" offer various perspectives on the data.

  • Measures: Measures represent numeric values that we analyze to gain valuable insights into the healthcare data. For instance, we can analyze billing information, service usage, and patient outcomes.

  • MDX Queries: Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) queries are used to retrieve data from our cubes. They enable us to create custom reports and perform complex data analysis.

Contribution and Customization

We welcome contributions to the "MultidimensionalProject1" to enhance our healthcare platform. If you have expertise in SSAS or data analysis, you can contribute to the project by optimizing cubes, creating new dimensions, or implementing advanced MDX queries to extract valuable insights.

Security and Access

Security roles and permissions are established within the project to ensure that only authorized individuals can access and manipulate the data and cubes. This is essential to maintain data privacy and confidentiality in a healthcare environment.

For detailed information about the project, please refer to the files and documentation within the "MultidimensionalProject1" directory.

Data Model

The project's data model comprises the following tables:

  • Patient - Contains information about patients.
  • Date - Represents date-related information.
  • Episodes - Stores data about patient episodes.
  • Services - Contains information about healthcare services.
  • Billing - The fact table that stores billing information, including references to the above dimension tables.

Getting Started

To set up and run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone