
This project is conducting an exploratory analysis of Industrial Production in the United States.

All data is from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED Economic Research) last updated in May 2019.

January 2020 To Do List:

1.Pull latest data for December 2019

Summer 2019 Notes for Future:

  1. Check to see if errors are correlated. Is there evidence of time related trend in the residuals?

  2. Check heteroscedacity in the residual plots (funnel shape)

  3. Implement alternative parameters to first LSTM

  4. Project estimates in first LSTM.

  5. Finish second LSTM model

  6. Build random forest to compare errors

  7. Build ARIMA model

  8. Model 3 Month and 10 Year to predict yield curve

  9. Which elements have collinearity? Check VIF Variance Inflation Factor. It should not exceed 5 or 10