
Pompe implementation based on HotStuff

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains our implementation of Pompe on top of HotStuff. Please refer to our OSDI'20 paper and contact Yunhao Zhang (yz2327@cornell.edu) for any questions.

Build and Run

Build and run on local machine

My Linux username is yunhao and machine name is driver, so the yunhao@driver: below indicates my shell prompt. Replace the yunhao and driver below with your own username and machine name.

yunhao@driver: export POMPE_HOME=/home/yunhao/Pompe-HS
yunhao@driver: cd /home/yunhao/
yunhao@driver: git clone --recursive git@github.com:Pompe-org/Pompe-HS.git
# Feel free to change the /home/yunhao above to any other directory

# Install dependencies
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME
yunhao@driver: ./install_deps.sh

# Build Pompe
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/libhotstuff
yunhao@driver: ./build.sh

# Run 4 Pompe servers
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe
yunhao@driver: ./run_server.sh yunhao local

# Run 4 Pompe clients for a 30 second experiment
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe
yunhao@driver: ./run_client.sh yunhao 4 30 local
# output will look like:
client backoff 1 times
client write to order log file /users/Yunhao/Pompe-HS/experiments/pompe//log/client0.order.log, 75293 entries
client write to exec log file /users/Yunhao/Pompe-HS/experiments/pompe//log/client0.exec.log, 75210 entries
# which means that, in 30 seconds, the client has processed 
# the ordering phase of 75293 commands
# and the consensus phase of 75210 commands
# and the client backoff once (see Evaluation.md for explanation)

Generate configurations for distributed cluster

The Python script $POMPE_HOME/libhotstuff/scripts/gen_conf.py generates the configuration files. First, modify the IP addresses (or hostnames) of the server nodes according to your cluster environment.

    # in hotstuff/scripts/gen_conf.py
        # datacenter small
        ips = ['', '', '', '']
        # modify this ips variable to your own server list

Then generate your configuration files and replace the old ones.

yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/libhotstuff
yunhao@driver: python scripts/gen_conf.py
yunhao@driver: cp ./conf-gen/* $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe/conf-distributed/

# update the client and server IP/hostname
yunhao@driver: vim $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe/conf-distributed/client.hosts
yunhao@driver: vim $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe/conf-distributed/server.hosts

# put all client and server IP/hostname into the file below
yunhao@driver: vim $POMPE_HOME/all.hosts

Now you are ready to run Pompe in a distributed cluster.

Build and run on distributed cluster

First, you need to install dependencies on all machines in the cluster.

# run install_deps.sh on all machines in the cluster
yunhao@{machine_name}: export POMPE_HOME=/home/yunhao/Pompe-HS
yunhao@{machine_name}: $POMPE_HOME/install_deps.sh

Then you can deploy and run distributed experiments from your driver machine. We assume that Pompe has been built successfully on the driver machine and driver can ssh directly to all machines in the cluster (see ssh-copy-id).

# Deploy Pompe from driver to all.hosts
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME
yunhao@driver: ./deploy.sh yunhao

# Run Pompe servers
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe
yunhao@driver: ./run_server.sh yunhao distributed

# Run 4 Pompe clients for a 30 second experiment
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe
yunhao@driver: ./run_client.sh yunhao 4 30 distributed

# Collect the experiment data
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments/pompe
yunhao@driver: ./data.sh yunhao distributed

# Show aggregated experiment results
yunhao@driver: cd $POMPE_HOME/experiments
yunhao@driver: python process.py order pompe/data
yunhao@driver: python process.py exec pompe/data

Evaluation and Troubleshooting

The file Evaluation.md in this repo describes how to validate the evaluation claims in our OSDI paper as well as fixes to common issues.


I wish to thank Ted Yin, the creater of libhotstuff and my old good friend, for his generous help and discussions. I also wish to thank the anonymous OSDI artifct reviewers for their valuable feedback and dedicated efforts of reproducing our evaluation results.