
My slack bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • !jpi {keyword}
    • Searches for images corresponding to {keyword} using Google Image Search. The bot then posts a randomly selected image from the results to the chat.
  • !chat {prompt}
    • The bot interacts with an AI model from OpenAI, using {prompt} as the input. The response from the AI model is then posted in the chat.
  • @jpi 選んで {item1} {item2} {item3} ...
    • The bot randomly selects one item from a list provided by the user. The list of items should follow the 選んで command and be separated by spaces.
  • @jpi 消して https://...slack.com/archives/.../....
    • The bot deletes the specified message from the Slack channel. The user needs to provide the full URL of the message they want to delete.

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