
Experiments with randomness, Wikipedia, and YouTube APIs

Primary LanguagePython


This is called BABEL_LIB after the Library of Babel website.

It started as an experiment in randomness but now hosts a bunch of experimental programs.

I used chatGPT to help me write some of them.


  1. random_sentence.py - creates random "words" and sentences.
    • In the spirit of the library of babel, I wanted to create a program that would string together random words to create sentences.
    • Ideally I wanted to recreate the library of babel site so that I could create books and eventually find one that made sense.
    • But with infinity, there's infinite nothingness and chaos as well as everything that's ever existed and ever will be, so I abandoned this.
    • I also thought about adding a dictionary so that only words that made sense would be output, but abandoned that too.
    • Update: see gensen_worddict.py for further explorations
  2. random_sentence_save.py - same, except saves to file.
    • this is the same as the first one, except it saves the randomness to a file instead of outputting it in the console.
  3. dice_roles.py - rolls 2 6-sided dice.
    • Inspired by randomness and craps, I asked chatGPT to "write a python program that simulates the role of two six-sided dice and generates a histogram of results."
    • I probably could have written it myself, but it was easier to ask chatGPT to do it, and it worked!
  4. wiki_articles.py - displays the 10 most recently-updated articles.
    • I asked chatGPT if wikipedia had an API, then to write a program that would display the 10 most recently-updated articles.
    • "Create a python program that appends the titles of the most recently edited Wikipedia articles to a text file."
    • I thought I wasn't getting any responses, but it was because I had the output file open in VSCode, and it doesn't update text files in real time, I have to close & open the file again to see changes.
  5. your_youtube.py - displays the 10 most recently-added YouTube videos.
    • I decided to switch to the YouTube API, which necessitated signing up with the Google develper program to get an API key. I didn't really try this sample until after I got the search location working.
  6. youtube_search_loc.py - displays the 10 most recently-added YouTube videos in a specific location.
    • I skipped to this as I wanted to see the 10 most recent YouTube videos in a particular location. I had some trouble getting this running. See the section below for details.
  7. lat_long.py - Displays the latitude and longitude for an address. Uses the Google Maps API.
    • I needed the latitude and longitude for the YouTube search location so I asked chatGPT to help me with the maps API.
    • This API required a separate API Key so I got that and ran it successfully.
  8. yt_loc2.py - User-friendly YouTube search by location.
    • This integrates the YouTube search app with the latitude and longitude app and adds input questions in the console for an easier experience.
  9. gnews_scraper.py - Scrape Google News headlines.
    • Just grabs the top stories. Can't figure out how to get all the stories on the page yet.
    • Updated to pull latest 5 headlines based on h4 top stories.
  10. gensen_worddict.py - Expanded random_sentence.py.
    • Pulls random words from the https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/word API endpoint and strings them together to create a sentence, then verifies the sentence against the language_tool_python API.
    • TODO: Needs articles added to create a valid sentence.
  11. gen_pass.py - Generate passphrase.
    • Uses the https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/word API endpoint to generate a passphrase.
    • As it is, this creates very complex passphrases that may be easier to remember than random character strings, but they're very long and complex.
    • TODO: Needs to use simpler words that can be easily remembered, less capitalization (however this may make them less secure).
  12. news_scraper - BBC and NY Times headline scraper.


For initial setup, create a virtual environment & run it:

$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate

Then install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

In subsequent setups, just run the second venv line to activate the virtual environment.

YouTube and Geolocation Requirements

Required for apps 5-8

  • Sign up to develop with the Google Cloud Platform, create a project, and activate the YouTube Data API v3 and the Geocoding API.
  • Create an .env file with YOUTUBE_API_KEY=yourapikey and MAPS_API_KEY=yourmapsapikey.

YouTube search

  • I had to educate myself about how to get an API key. The Google console is excessively complex, but I was able to add the YouTube endpoint and restrict the API key to that API. I did the same for the Google Maps API key later.
  • chatGPT omitted the location radius value, which is required if you pass location. I figured this out by reading the YouTube endpoint doc (link to come).
  • I was getting some errors. I discovered it had to do with the location parameter by doing some experimentation with the URL. Removing the location query parameter worked, so I figured it had something to do with that.

Latitude and longitude

  • Was using the wrong longitude. I didn't realize I needed to use a negative number for the longitude until I realized I was getting responses from a country in the eastern part of the globe instead of New York.
  • I found the correct longitude on Google Maps, so I thought I could use the API to make this simpler.
  • I got errors and narrowed it down to the radius. I forgot that the radius needed a measurement value, like mi for miles. And my input request left it out, so I fixed this.

Programming notes & links

  • I don't know why I get this error in the console when I run dice_roles.py, But I think it's something I can ignore. 1 2
+[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

Jul 2 notes