
Primary LanguagePython

Self-Attention Attribution

This repository contains the implementation for AAAI-2021 paper Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer. It includes the code for generating the self-attention attribution score, pruning attention heads with our method, constructing the attribution tree and extracting the adversarial triggers. All of our experiments are conducted on bert-base-cased model, our methods can also be easily transfered to other Transformer-based models.


  • Python version >= 3.5
  • Pytorch version == 1.1.0
  • networkx == 2.3

We recommend you to run the code using the docker under Linux:

docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia --ipc=host --privileged pytorch/pytorch:1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-devel bash

Then install the following packages with pip:

pip install --user networkx==2.3
pip install --user matplotlib==3.1.0
pip install --user tensorboardX six numpy tqdm scikit-learn

You can install attattr from source:

git clone https://github.com/YRdddream/attattr
cd attattr
pip install --user --editable .

Download Pre-Finetuned Models and Datasets

Before running self-attention attribution, you can first fine-tune bert-base-cased model on a downstream task (such as MNLI) by running the file run_classifier_orig.py. We also provide the example datasets and the pre-finetuned checkpoints at Google Drive.

Get Self-Attention Attribution Scores

Run the following command to get the self-attention attribution score and the self-attention score.

python examples/generate_attrscore.py --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --batch_size 16 --num_batch 4 \
       --model_file ${model_file} --example_index ${example_index} \
       --get_att_attr --get_att_score --output_dir ${output_dir}

Construction of Attribution Tree

When you get the self-attribution scores of a target example, you could construct the attribution tree. We recommend you to run the file get_tokens_and_pred.py to summarize the data, or you can manually change the value of tokens in attribution_tree.py.

python examples/attribution_tree.py --attr_file ${attr_file} --tokens_file ${tokens_file} \
       --task_name ${task_name} --example_index ${example_index} 

You can generate the attribution tree from the provided example.

python examples/attribution_tree.py --attr_file ${model_and_data}/mnli_example/attr_zero_base_exp16.json \
       --tokens_file ${model_and_data}/mnli_example/tokens_and_pred_100.json \
       --task_name mnli --example_index 16

Self-Attention Head Pruning

We provide the code of pruning attention heads with both our attribution method and the Taylor expansion method. Pruning heads with our method.

python examples/prune_head_with_attr.py --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file}  --output_dir ${output_dir}

Pruning heads with Taylor expansion method.

python examples/prune_head_with_taylor.py --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file}  --output_dir ${output_dir}

Adversarial Attack

First extract the most important connections from the training dataset.

python examples/run_adver_connection.py --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --batch_size 16 --num_batch 4 --zero_baseline \
       --model_file ${model_file} --output_dir ${output_dir}

Then use these adversarial triggers to attack the original model.

python examples/run_adver_evaluate.py --task_name ${task_name} --data_dir ${data_dir} \
       --bert_model bert-base-cased --model_file ${model_file} \
       --output_dir ${output_dir} --pattern_file ${pattern_file}


If you find this repository useful for your work, you can cite the paper:

  author = {Yaru Hao and Li Dong and Furu Wei and Ke Xu},
  title = {Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer},
  booktitle = {The Thirty-Fifth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.11207.pdf}