
Go generate tool to collect all package strings into map by pattern

Primary LanguageGo

Go generate tool


go get -u github.com/YReshetko/gen-strings-map/cmd/constanter


The tool scans provided base path for sub paths pattern, collects all packages which match the pattern. After that the tool extracts all var\constants with string type and generates a new go file which contains a map of links to the var\const. Keys of the map correspond to wild cards in the pattern. The last key is a name of var\constant.


If you have following structure:

|  |--base_path
|  |  |--type_1
|  |  |  |--v0.0.1
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v1.0.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v1.0.1
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |--type_2
|  |  |  |--v0.0.1
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v1.0.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v2.0.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |--type_3
|  |  |  |--v1.0.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v1.1.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go
|  |  |  |--v1.2.0
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_1.go
|  |  |  |  |--file_with_constants_2.go

The tool can be used as cli tool for the structure like:

constanter -baseDir=./root/base_path -pattern=/*/*

or like a go:generate

//go:generate constanter -baseDir=./root/base_path -pattern=/*/*

If each go file contains at least one string var ot constant then output map will have following structure:

package base_path

import (...)

var Constants = map[string]map[string]map[string]string{
	"type_1": {
		"v0.0.1": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_1_v0_0_1.<constant_name>,
		"v1.0.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_1_v1_0_0.<constant_name>,
		"v1.0.1": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_1_v1_0_1.<constant_name>,
	"type_2": {
		"v0.0.1": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_2_v0_0_1.<constant_name>,
		"v1.0.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_2_v1_0_0.<constant_name>,
		"v2.0.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_2_v2_0_0.<constant_name>,
	"type_3": {
		"v1.0.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_3_v1_0_0.<constant_name>,
		"v1.1.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_3_v1_1_0.<constant_name>,
		"v1.2.0": {
			"<constant_name>":   al_type_3_v1_2_0.<constant_name>,

A.go file with the map will be generated into ./root/base_path with default name constanter.go