
A cryptarithmetic solver implementation in Kotlin. Adapted from a Python version, as presented in the Udacity's Design of Computer Programs course.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Cryptarithmetic Solver

A cryptarithmetic solver implementation in Kotlin. Adapted from a Python version, as presented in the Udacity's Design of Computer Programs course.

Bear in mind that the solver does not do any intelligent inference of any kind to solve the puzzles. Instead, the solver takes the brute force approach, trying all possible assignments of digits to letters, accepting only the ones that pass. The solver does not stop after finding the first passing solution; all combinations are tried exhaustively, until there are no more combinations to try. This way, if a puzzle has more than one solution (as is the case with the puzzle I+I=ME, for example), all such solutions will be discovered and printed out.

This application was developed for the purposes of practicing in solving (semi)practical problems and for the entertainment value (while developing it). Also, it was kind of interesting to investigate how Kotlin stacks up against Python in solving algorithmic problems, not only from the language standpoint, but also from the standpoint of available and ready-to-use implementations of algorithms in standard libraries.

Building locally

To build the application, all you have to have is a local installation of JDK 11 or later (presumably, any vendor should work, but if in doubt, this is a good place to start).

After you've procured a suitable JDK for your platform, run the following command in the root directory of the project to build it:

./gradlew build

After the project is built (you see message BUILD SUCCESSFUL output in the console), the built artifact is located at ./build/libs/cryptarithmetic-solver-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar. This is a so-called 'fat' (Uber) JAR, which contains all dependencies needed to run the application (apart from the JDK). It can be run using the java program as outlined in the section Running the application below.

Running the application

To run the application, you also need the JDK 11 or later (refer to section Building locally for a basic info on how to get one). Then, issue the following command in the terminal:

java -jar cryptarithmetic-solver-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar

The application reads puzzles from the standard input and prints out solutions to standard output, both of which can be redirected (to read from a file, for example).

Supported expressions

Basic arithmetic expressions are supported (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) as well as exponentiation.


All numbers must be integer values, and should fall in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, inclusive, at all stages of the computation. Division is an integer operation, returning the integer quotient as the answer, without a remainder. Exponentiation supports only integers (both as a base and as an exponent), and the exponent cannot be negative (otherwise the result is undefined).

Specifying negative numbers directly in the expression (as "-n") is currently not supported, because there is no "unary minus" operator. If negation is needed, it can be achieved using the following pattern: "(0-n)" (quotes shown for the purpose of clarity only, but parentheses are generally required).

Defining terms

Terms in the puzzles are defined using decimal digits 0 through 9, or uppercase Latin letters A through Z, or a mixture of these. Each particular letter will have to be substituted by some digit. When all letters are substituted by digits, an expression can be evaluated for correctness. Each letter can correspond only to one digit, and no digit can be represented by more than one letter in a given expression (if expression includes some explicit (unencoded) digits, the same digits may still be hidden behind letter(s) in the same expression).

Terms are separated from each other by operators, or by whitespace (although it is a syntax error to have 2 terms appear in the expression without an operator appearing between them).

Priority of operators

The 'usual' precedence of operations is the same as could be reasonably expected. Refer to the table below for more formal definition. It lists all supported operators in the order of decreasing precedence (i.e. from highest to lowest). Operators having the same number in the Precedence column, have the same precedence and are evaluated according to their associativity.

Precedence Operator Name / Meaning Associativity
1 (...) Parentheses None
2 ^ Exponentiation Right-to-left
3 * Multiplication Left-to-right
3 / Integer division Left-to-right
4 + Addition Left-to-right
4 - Subtraction Left-to-right
5 = Equal to Left-to-right
5 < Less than Left-to-right
5 <= Less than or equal to Left-to-right
5 > Greater than Left-to-right
5 >= Greater than or equal to Left-to-right

The comparison operators (equal, less, greater, etc.), when evaluated, return a truth value encoded as an integer, where 0 means false (the condition does not hold), and 1 means true (the condition holds). Consequently, the whole expression is correct if it evaluates to a non-zero value.