A Simple text editor based on JavaScript
Bold CTRL + B
Italic CTRL + I
Underline CTRL + U
Strikethrough CTRL + =
Superscript CTRL + SHIFT + -
Subscript CTRL + -,
Undo CTRL + Z
Redo CTRL + Y
Font Face CTRL + F
Font Size CTRL + SHIFT + P
Font Color CTRL + SHIFT + F
Font Background Color CTRL + SHIFT + H
Align Text (Left / Center / Right / Justify) CTRL + L CTRL + E CTRL + R CTRL + J
download File CTRL + S
Print File CTRL + P
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
git clone https://github.com/MadushaS/MedusaNote.git
install npm packages
npm install
build the project
npm run build
π€ Madusha Sandaruwan
- Website: madushas.github.io
- Twitter: @_MadushaS
- Github: @MadushaS
- LinkedIn: @madushasandaruwan
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page
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