
the formula repository for ndk-pkg

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


the offical formula repository for ndk-pkg

ndk-pkg formula

a ndk-pkg formula is a YAML format file which is used to config a ndk-pkg package's meta-information including one sentence description, package version, installation instructions, etc.

ndk-pkg formula scheme

KEY required? overview
summary required describe what is this package used for in one sentence.
license optional a space-separated list of SPDX license short identifiers
version optional the version of this package.
If this mapping is not present, it will be calculated from src-url, if src-url is also not present, it will be calculated from running time as format date +%Y.%m.%d
web-url optional the home webpage of this package.
If this mapping is not present, git-url must be present.
git-url optional the source code git repository.
If src-url is not present, this mapping must be present.
git-ref optional reference: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References
example values: HEAD refs/heads/master refs/heads/main refs/tags/v1, default value is HEAD
git-sha optional the full git commit id, 40-byte hexadecimal string, if git-ref and git-sha both are present, git-sha takes precedence over git-ref
git-nth optional tell ndk-pkg that how many depth commits would you like to be fetched. default is 1, this would save your time and storage. If you want to fetch all commits, set this to 0
src-url optional the source code download url of this package.
If value of this mapping ends with any one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2, it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/src when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/src
also support format like dir://DIR for local test and debug purpose
src-uri optional the mirror of src-url.
src-sha optional the sha256sum of source code.
src-sha and src-url must appear together.
fix-url optional the patch file download url of this package.
If value of this mapping ends with any one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2, it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/fix when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/fix.
fix-uri optional the mirror of fix-url.
fix-sha optional the sha256sum of patch file.
fix-sha and fix-url must appear together.
res-url optional other resource download url of this package.
If value of this mapping ends with any one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2, it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/res when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/res.
res-uri optional the mirror of res-url.
res-sha optional the sha256sum of resource file.
res-sha and res-url must appear together.
dep-pkg optional a space-separated list of ndk-pkg packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via ndk-pkg.
dep-upp optional a space-separated list of uppm packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via uppm.
dep-pym optional a space-separated list of python packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via pip3.
dep-plm optional a space-separated list of perl modules that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via cpan.
ppflags optional append to CPPFLAGS
ccflags optional append to CFLAGS
xxflags optional append to CXXFLAGS
ldflags optional append to LDFLAGS
bsystem optional build system.
values can be some of autogen autotools configure cmake cmake-gmake cmake-ninja meson xmake gmake ninja cargo go
bscript optional the directory where the build script (e.g. configure, Makefile, CMakeLists.txt, meson.build, Cargo.toml, etc.) is located in, relative to PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR.
binbstd optional whether build in the directory where the build script is located in, otherwise build in other directory. value can be yes or no. default value is no.
build0 optional POSIX shell code to be run when user run ndk-pkg install <PKG>. used to describe how to build for native.
dopatch optional POSIX shell code to be run before install. pwd is $PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR
install optional POSIX shell code to be run when user run ndk-pkg install <PKG>. If this mapping is not present, ndk-pkg will run default install code according to bsystem
api-min optional specify which minimum Android SDK API level is supported for this package.

Appendix1: commands that can be used right out of the box

command usage-example
echo echo 'your message.'
info info 'your information.'
warn warn "no package manager found."
error error 'error message.'
abort abort 1 "please specify a package name."
success success "build success."
sed_in_place sed_in_place 's/-mandroid//g' Configure
format_unix_timestamp format_unix_timestamp "$TIMESTAMP_UNIX" '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
wfetch wfetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-path=PATH
wfetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-dir=DIR --output-name=NAME
wfetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-dir=DIR [--output-name=NAME]
wfetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] [--output-dir=DIR] --output-name=NAME
configure configure --enable-pic
mesonw mesonw -Dneon=disabled -Darm-simd=disabled
gmakew gmakew
xmakew xmakew
cargow cargow
gow gow

Appendix2: shell variables can be used in dopatch and install block

variable overview
TIMESTAMP_UNIX the unix timestamp of this action.
NDKPKG_VERSION the version of ndk-pkg.
NDKPKG_HOME the home directory of ndk-pkg.
NDKPKG the executable filepath of ndk-pkg.
ANDROID_NDK_HOME the home directory of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_ROOT the home directory of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_VERSION the version of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_VERSION_MAJOR the major part of version of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_BIND the bin directory of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_SYSROOT the sysroot directory of Android NDK.
NATIVE_OS_KIND kind of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_TYPE type of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_CODE code of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_NAME name of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_VERS version of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_ARCH arch of your current running operation system.
NATIVE_OS_NCPU cpu core count of your current running machine.
TARGET_ANDROID_API android sdk api-level table
TARGET_ANDROID_ABI it's value shall be any one of armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64
TARGET_ANDROID_ARCH it's value shall be any one of armv7a aarch64 i686 x86_64
TARGET_ANDROID_NBIT it's value shall be any one of 32 64
TARGET_TRIPLE it's value shall be any one of armv7a-linux-androideabi aarch64-linux-android i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android
CC the C Compiler.
CFLAGS the flags of CC.
CXX the C++ Compiler.
CXXFLAGS the flags of CXX.
CPP the C/C++ PreProcessor.
CPPFLAGS the flags of CPP.
AS the assembler.
AR the archiver.
RANLIB the archiver extra tool.
LD the linker.
LDFLAGS the flags of LD.
NM a command line tool to list symbols from object files.
STRIP a command line tool to discard symbols and other data from object files.
READELF a command line tool to display information about ELF files.
PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR the working directory when installing.
PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR the directory where the build script (e.g. Makefile, configure, CMakeLists.txt, meson.build, Cargo.toml, etc) is located in.
PACKAGE_BCACHED_DIR the directory where the temporary files are stored in when building.
PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR the directory where the final files will be installed to.
x_INSTALL_DIR the installation directory of x package.