
Just so I can learn Jekyll


Just so I can learn Jekyll and GHub-Pages.

gh-pages branch is deployed on the link below


How to contribute:

  1. Clone the branch gh-pages.
  2. cd into the cloned folder.
  3. Run bundle install.
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll s.
  5. Open http://localhost:4000/.
  6. Edit the files you need.
  7. Make a pull request for that same branch gh-pages.

You can also contribute to the "Light As Hell" branch:

There we're trying to create a very fast "layout/theme"

  1. Clone the branch lightashell.
  2. cd into the cloned folder.
  3. Run bundle install.
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll s.
  5. Open http://localhost:4000/.
  6. Edit the files you need.
  7. Make a pull request for that same branch lightashell.

List of plugins that may be cool: