
Video Processing Pipeline. This is the off-line version that requires access to the full video.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This a video processing pipeline with the objective of enhancing the quality of a video. 
The pipeline has the following steps:

1/ Noise preprocessing
	- impulse noise removal
	- fixed pattern noise
	- column/row noise removal

2/ Stabilization

3/ Optical flow computation
	- TVL1 optical flow
	- occlusion detection

4/ Denoising with on of the following algorithms:
	- VBM3D
	- Recursive bilateral filter
	- Patch Kalman filter

5/ Video deblurring

6/ Tone-mapping


We use the folder structure below to exchange data through the pipeline. 
Some minimal rules:

	* input_data is read-only, and is not in the git repo
	* output_data contains temporary files of the pipeline
	* everything is automatized by running shell scripts
	* a script called "run_all.sh" runs the full pipeline on a sequence
	* names of intermediate script are numbered and their names are verbs
	* there is a main intermediate script for each step:
			- 10_preprocess_noise.sh      # main script for step 1
			- 20_stabilize_video.sh       # main script for step 2, etc
			- 30_compute_optical_flow.sh
			- 40_run_denoising.sh
			- 50_run_deblurring.sh

	  helper scripts can be called from the main scripts at each step:
			- 11_remove_impulse_noise.sh
			- 32_compute_tvl1_flow.sh
			- 34_compute_occlusion_masks.sh

	* src/ contains the source code. There is a folder for each step

Folder structure

├── input_data                # read only; not in repo
│   ├── b2_vol21_passe6 
│   │   ├── f0000.png         # NOTE: you have to use these filenames!
│   │   ├── f0001.png
│   │   ...
│   ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│   │   ├── f0000.png
│   │   ├── f0001.png
│   │   ...
│   ...
├── output_data               # read/write; created by pipeline execution
│   ├── 1_preprocessing       # outputs of step 1
│   │   ├── b2_vol21_passe6
│   │   ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│   │   ...
│   ├── 2_stabilization       # outputs of step 2
│   │   ├── b2_vol21_passe6
│   │   ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│   │   ...
│   ├── 3_oflow
│   │   ├── b2_vol21_passe6
│   │   ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│   │   ...
│   ├── 4_denoising           # for each sequence, there might be
│   │   ├── b2_vol21_passe6   # several denoising results
│   │   │   ├── kalman
│   │   │   ├── vbm3d
│   │   │   ...
│   │   ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│   │   │   ├── kalman
│   │   │   ├── vbm3d
│   │   │   ...
│   │   ...
│   ├── 5_deblurring          # deblurring can be skipped
│   │   ├── flou_IR_1         # the deblurring can be computed for each
│   │   │   ├── kalman        # denoising result
│   │   │   ├── vbm3d
│   │   │   ...
│   │   ├── flou_IR_1
│   │   │   ├── kalman
│   │   │   ├── vbm3d
│   │   │   ...
│   │   ...
│   └── 6_tonemapping         # computed on the denoised or deblurred sequence
│       ├── b2_vol21_passe6
│       │   ├── kalman
│       │   ├── vbm3d
│       │   ...
│       ├── b3_vol21_passe6
│       │   ├── kalman
│       │   ├── vbm3d
│       │   ...
│       ...
├── src                 # source code
│   ├── 1_preprocessing
│   ├── 2_stabilization
│   ├── 3_oflow
│   ├── 4_denoising
│   ├── 5_deblurring
│   └── utils
├── 10_preprocess_noise.sh      # main script for step 1
├── 11_remove_impulse_noise.sh  # helper scripts for step 1
├── 20_stabilize_video.sh       # main script for step 2, etc
├── 30_compute_optical_flow.sh  # main script for step 3
├── 31_...                      # helper scripts for step 3
├── 32_...
├── 40_run_denoising.sh
├── 41_...
├── 50_run_deblurring.sh
├── 51_...
├── 60_run_tonemapping.sh
└── README                      # this file


We provide a brief description of all the components of the code. Each of these


A (large) collection of small and stand-alone utilities for image processing.
For more information see the projects repo: 


Only the following utilities are used:
- blur       - blur an image by convolving with a low-pass filter
- veco       - compute per-pixel statistics over many images
- plambda    - compute lambda expressions on image pixels
- imprintf   - print statistics of images specified using a printf format
- downsa     - downsample
- upsa       - upsample 
- morsi      - morphological operatore

Most of them are required for the noise pre-processing step.
downsa and upsa are used to downscale and upscale the video.
plambda is used for several things (from applying a log, to computing the
divergence of the optical flow). plambda lines can be a bit difficult to 
read. A detailed description about plamda can be found here:



This code can be used to remove the vertical bands.
In the current version of the pipeline it is NOT used.
For more information see the corresponding IPOL publication:



Octave function currently used to remove the vertical and horizontal bands.


This code is used to estimate the standard deviation of the noise.
For more information see the corresponding IPOL publication:



This code is used to stabilize motion in the video.
For more information see the corresponding IPOL publication:



This code is used to estimate the motion in the sequence.
For more information see the corresponding IPOL publication:


The code here is a slightly modified version which receives 
an additional input argument fscale (finest scale). This 
parameter allows to specify the finest scale used by the 
tvl1 algorithm. fscale=0 refers to the original image. 
fscale=1 computes the flow in the pyramid until scale 1 (half
of the original resolution for a zoom factor of 0.5). Etc.


Denosing methods. Currently we have:
	- Recursive bilateral filter
	- VBM3D
	- Patch Kalman filter


The code in src/ is comprised of different independent projects in C/C++. Each
of them has to be compiled independently (this should change in the future). Some
work with plain Makefiles, others use cmake (for the moment these are only the 
denoising codes).

Some codes have an individual README file explaining how to compile it. In this
case follow the instructions given in the README file. If there's no readme file,
just type make in the projects folder.

# projects compiled with make

$ cd src/utils/imscript; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/1_preprocessing/srcmire_2; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/1_preprocessing/ponomarenko; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/2_stabilization/estadeo_1.1; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/3_oflow/tvl1flow_3; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/4_denoising/vbm3d; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/5_deblurring/fba; make; cd ../../..

# projects compiled with cmake

$ cd src/4_denoising/[kalman or rbilf]
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ../../../..

# these projects require octave (and its compiler mkoctfile)

$ cd src/1_preprocessing/unband; make; cd ../../..
$ cd src/6_tonemapping; make; cd ../..

The Makefile in the root directory compiles all projects, except those that
require cmake.


To run the pipeline on a sequence, use run_all.sh, from the root directory (vpp).

The script run_all.sh takes 3 mandatory inputs, and 3 optional ones.
$ ./run_all.sh sequence first-frame last-frame \
		[remove-outliers [remove-fpn [stabilize [deblur]]]]

- sequence        : name of the directory of the sequence in the input_data folder
- first-frame     : first frame that you want to process
- last-frame      : last frame that you want to process
- remove-outliers : 1 to remove outliers, 0 to skip outlier removal
- remove-fpn      : 1 to remove fixed pattern noise, 0 to skip fpn removal
- stabilize       : 1 to stabilize, 0 to skip stabilization
- deblur          : 1 to deblur, 0 to skip deblurring

Example for processing frames 1 to 100 of b3_vol21_passe6, with outlier
and fpn removal, but without deblurring:

~ $ cd /path/to/vpp
vpp $ ./run_all.sh b3_vol21_passe6 1 100 1 1 1 0

The intermediate results are stored as tif images with floating points.
We map the range or the inputs to the [0,255] range (without quantization),
because the parameters of most algos in the pipeline are tuned to that range.

For visualizing sequences of images almost any kind (including floating point 
high dynamic range images) we recommend Jérémy Anger's vpv:


A note on tone mapping

For the moment, we don't have a robust way of selecting good parameters of the 
tone mapping algorithm. Running the pipeline with run_all.sh calls the tone 
mapping with the default parameters, which not allways provide good results.

We recommend, AFTER running the pipeline, calling the tone mapper as shown in 
the script run_all_tonemappings.sh