

  1. Utilize LangChain for constructing GPT-powered chatbots equipped with tailored knowledge of a given dataset (by scrapping website into txt file).
  2. Employ text embeddings alongside a vector database to execute retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) seamlessly.


https://q3w33c-1234.csb.app/ image

Work flow

image (reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSZ_uaif57o&t=5323s&ab_channel=freeCodeCamp.org)


  • how can I make font adjustable (shrink size when I do ctrl + -)

  • play with CSS

  • try it with the law society website?

  • How to make it embedable?

  • Improve the document upload process give it a UI

  • import and chunk PDF into vector DB

  • authentication + rate limit

  • use firebase instead

  • reference

  • cost estimation

  • run on local model

  • save chat history and analysis ( sentiment )

  • start with an AI conversation first ( offer a few example prompts )

  • how to reduce cost? (record answers to questions)

