
This is a 2D game.

Primary LanguageC


This is a 2D game. image


warning The project must be written in accordance with the Norm

The Norm is a programming standard that defines a set of rules to follow when writing code at 42. It applies to all C projects within the Common Core       by default, and to any project where it's specified. These are some of them:

Each function must be maximum 25 lines, not counting the function's own curly brackets.

Each line must be at most 80 columns wide, comments included.

A function can take 4 named parameters maximum.

You can't declare more than 5 variables per function.

You're not allowed to use: for , do...while , switch , case ,  goto  ,
ternary operators such as `?' and VLAs - Variable Length Arrays.
The norminette (as we call the norm at 42) is in python and open source.

Its repository is available at https://github.com/42School/norminette.

How does it work?

in Linux:

To play, first compile the project with make:


In case you wanna play the bonus version:

$make bonus

So, run ./so_long followed by the map:

$./so_long assets/map/map1.ber	


$./so_long assets/map/map2.ber

For bonus:

$./so_long_bonus assets/map/map6.ber


$./so_long_bonus assets/map/map7.ber


$./so_long_bonus assets/map/map8.ber

Check memory leak with valgrind

$make run


$make runbonus