A GTD-style homepage for viewing multiple Workflowy nodes in one place.
I wanted a way to view multiple instances of Workflowy in one window so I could have an overview of my GTD method (Inbox, Next, In Progress, Sometime/Later, Done, Ongoing Projects. Whilst this solution generally works, it does not allow dragging/dropping of nodes between columns – however, you can easily copy/paste text or entire nodes from one to another.
NOTE: I am an absolute novice at coding but this simple solution works well enough for me. I use this as my homepage and keep it open in a tab at all times so I can quickly and easily add/view ideas, tasks and projects. Hopefully this is useful for others in creating something more robust.
This is the standalone HTML version. I add a bookmark to this local file in Chrome. One could also set this as their default new tab.
This is the UserScript version for Tampermonkey, Greasy Fork, etc.