
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Are We Ready For Learned Cardinality Estimation?

Our paper can be found at https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06743.

Development Environment Setup


  • Install Just
    • MacOS: brew install just
    • Linux: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://just.systems/install.sh | bash -s -- --to /usr/local/bin
  • Install Poetry: pip install poetry
  • Install Python dependencies: just install-dependencies

We define all the commands used in this work in Justfile. Run just -l for a list of supported tasks.

All the environmental configurations (e.g. data path, database configurations) are set in file .env.


Download the real-world datasets and workloads from here.

The path of the data is defined in .env as variable DATA_ROOT. We support dataset with different versions, typically a csv file is located at: {DATA_ROOT}/{dataset name}/{version name}.csv.

We define the Table object, which contains both data, some commonly used statistics and functions for convenient usage. Please refer to lecarb/dataset/dataset.py for details. (Most of the methods in our repo take Table as the dataset input.)

  • Example: Given a csv file of census dataset (name: census13, version: original), generate the Table object
# 1. convert csv file to pickle
just csv2pkl data/census13/original.csv

# 2. convert to Table object
just pkl2table census13 original
  • Example: Generate synthetic dataset with s=1.0, c=1.0, d=1000 (dataset name: dom1000, version: skew1.0_corr1.0)
just data-gen 1.0 1.0 1000

If we want to update the dataset, please run the command in the following format:

just append-data-{update} {seed} {dataset} {version} {interval},

where {update} can be chosen from cor and skew. {seed} is the random seed. {dataset} is the dataset name. {version} is the version of the data. {interval} is between 0 and 1. It decides the ratio of the data to be appended.

  • Example: Generate appended the dataset (name: census13, version: original) with correlated (update: cor) data:
just append-data-cor 123 census13 original 0.2

The appended data will be located at: {DATA_ROOT}/{dataset name}/{version}+{version}_{update}_{interval}.pkl


We adopt a unified workload generation framework to produce synthetic queries that we use in all the experiments. Specifically, in our framework each query is generated through three steps:

  1. Choose a set of attributes to place predicates.
  2. Select the query center for each predicate.
  3. Determine the operator for each predicate (as well as widths for range predicates).

We have different implementations of each step in lecarb/workload/generator.py (function names start with asf_, csf_ and wsf_ respectively), user can also add customized implementations to the code for more variations.

  • Example: generate workload used in static experiment for census dataset (workloads for real-world datasets used in the paper are already provided here)
# generate workload for small datasets (labels are generated in the same time)
just wkld-gen-base census13 original base

# for large datasets, start 10 processes to generate workload and then merge
just wkld-gen-mth10 census13 original base
just wkld-merge census13 original base
rm data/census13/workload/base_[0-9]*
  • Example: generate workload for synthetic dataset (name: dom1000, version: skew1.0_corr1.0) used in the paper, check hyper-params.md for a whole prepartion procedure (data generation and workload & label generation) of the micro-benchmark.
# 1. generate workload (no labels generated)
just wkld-vood dom1000 skew1.0_corr1.0

# 2. generate labels
just wkld-label dom1000 skew1.0_corr1.0 vood

Train & Test

Training and test commands for all the estimators are defined in Justfile, for hyper-parameters used and examples please refer to hyper-params.md.

Generated models are located at {OUTPUT_ROOT}/model/{dataset name}/ and prediction results are at {OUTPUT_ROOT}/result/{dataset name}/ in csv format.

Run just report-error {output file name} {dataset name} to see different error metrics of the static experiment result.

Run dynamic experiments:

Dynamic experiment related code for reproducibility is in dynamic-exp/ and commands can be found in Justfile.

(1) To run all dynmaic experiments, run bash dynamic-exp/dynamic_exp.sh. It includes all commands for dynamic experiment.

  • Example: we want to run dynamic experiment for mscn on data 'census13'. We could run the following command:
just dynamic-mscn-census13 census13 original base cor 0.2 10000 123

'original' is the old version of census13. 'base' is the training workload generation method. 'cor' is the correlation change we consider for data update. '0.2' is the appended size of data (i.e. 20% of the 'original data'). '10000' is the size of training workload. '123' is the random seed.

(2) Run the following command to see different error metrics of the dynamic experiment errors.

just report-error-dynamic {dataset} {stale model result file} {update model result file} {T} {model update time},

where {model update time} can be extracted through parsing the logging files. dynamic-exp/parse_log_exmaple.py provides some example scipts of extracting {model update time}.

For convinience usage, we put the hyperparameters of deferent models in dynamic-exp/best_hp.py. It copies the best hyperparameters we tested from hyper-params.md.

Code References:

Our forked repos: