
My best practice of training large dataset using PyTorch.

Primary LanguagePython


My best practice of training large dataset using PyTorch.

Speed overview

By following the tips, we can reach achieve ~730 images/second with PyTorch when training ResNet-50 on ImageNet. According to benchmark reported on Tensorflow and MXNet, the performance is still competitive.

Epoch: [0][430/5005]    Time 0.409 (0.405)      Data 626.6 (728.0)      Loss 6.8381 (6.9754)    Error@1 100.000 (99.850) Error@5 99.609 (99.259)
Epoch: [0][440/5005]    Time 0.364 (0.404)      Data 704.2 (727.9)      Loss 6.8506 (6.9725)    Error@1 100.000 (99.851) Error@5 99.609 (99.258)
Epoch: [0][450/5005]    Time 0.350 (0.403)      Data 730.7 (727.3)      Loss 6.8846 (6.9700)    Error@1 100.000 (99.847) Error@5 99.609 (99.258)
Epoch: [0][460/5005]    Time 0.357 (0.402)      Data 716.8 (727.4)      Loss 6.9129 (6.9680)    Error@1 100.000 (99.849) Error@5 99.609 (99.256)
Epoch: [0][470/5005]    Time 0.346 (0.401)      Data 740.8 (727.4)      Loss 6.8574 (6.9657)    Error@1 100.000 (99.850) Error@5 98.828 (99.249)
Epoch: [0][480/5005]    Time 0.425 (0.400)      Data 601.8 (727.3)      Loss 6.8467 (6.9632)    Error@1 100.000 (99.849) Error@5 99.609 (99.239)
Epoch: [0][490/5005]    Time 0.358 (0.399)      Data 715.2 (727.2)      Loss 6.8319 (6.9607)    Error@1 100.000 (99.848) Error@5 99.609 (99.232)
Epoch: [0][500/5005]    Time 0.347 (0.399)      Data 737.4 (726.9)      Loss 6.8426 (6.9583)    Error@1 99.609 (99.843)  Error@5 98.047 (99.220)
Epoch: [0][510/5005]    Time 0.346 (0.398)      Data 740.5 (726.7)      Loss 6.8245 (6.9561)    Error@1 100.000 (99.839) Error@5 99.609 (99.211)
Epoch: [0][520/5005]    Time 0.350 (0.452)      Data 730.7 (724.0)      Loss 6.8270 (6.9538)    Error@1 99.609 (99.834)  Error@5 97.656 (99.193)
Epoch: [0][530/5005]    Time 0.340 (0.450)      Data 752.9 (724.4)      Loss 6.8149 (6.9516)    Error@1 100.000 (99.832) Error@5 98.047 (99.183)

Key Points of Efficiency

Now most frameworks adapt CUDNN as their backends. Without special optimization, the inference time is similiar across frameworks. To optimize training time, we focus on other points such as

Data Loader

The default combination datasets.ImageFolder + data.DataLoader is not enough for large scale classification. According to my experience, even I switch to Samsung 960 Pro (read 3.5 GB/s, write 2.0 GB/s), whole training pipeline still suffers at disk I/O.

The reason causing is the slow reading of discountiuous small chunks. You should have experienced one or two times, for example, type ls command under original ImageNet validation folder. To optimize, we need to compress small JPEG images into a large binary file. TensorFlow has its own TFRecord and MXNet uses recordIO. Beside these two, there are many other options like hdf5, pth, n5, lmdb etc. Here I will choose lmdb, because of its super effienceny.

Data Parallel (On-going)

The default data parallel of PyTorch, powerd by nn.DataParallel is in-efficienct!