
The official implementation of IEEE-TIP paper under review

Primary LanguagePython


The official implementation of the accepted IEEE-TIP paper "Conditional Boundary Loss for Semantic Segmentation".
Please note that right now this project is only the simple one only including the core code of our CBL implementation.
The whole implementations that are easy to use based on MMsegmentation will be released soon after the accpectance of our paper.
However, you can still use our CBL in MMsegmentation following our instructions.
Thus, it may seems not convinient to reproduce our method right now. But, you will find it's easy to use CBL and reproduce the results in our paper once the whole MMsegmentation project is uploaded.

Our Results

More results of other models like Swin-B and PSP, together with the trained model weights file, will be updated soon once we finished the orgnization of our project.
Temporary result table:


model Backbone iter Crop Size mIoU MMseg (single scale) mIoU +CBL Ours (single scale)
OCRNet HRNetW48 80K 512x1024 80.70 81.95


model Backbone mIoU(SS) mIoU(MS)
MaskFormer Swin-B -- 53.83(official)
MaskFormer +CBL Swin-B 53.49 54.89
Mask2Former Swin-B -- 55.07(official)
Mask2Former +CBL Swin-B 54.79 56.05

How to use our code in MMsegmentation

We follow the implementation of MMsegmentation. Here we provide the code of CBL based on the OCRHead in CBLocr_head.py.
The class name of the OCRHead with our CBL is New_ER5OCRHead.

  1. Download our code and add the CBLocr_head.py to Path mmseg/models/decode_head/ocr_head.py in your MMsegmentation source code project.
  2. Import the ER5OCRHead class in the mmseg/models/decode_head/init.py:
    change the line from .ocr_head import OCRHead as from .ocr_head import OCRHead, New_ER5OCRHead
  3. Add the code for generating Ground Truth boundary for training:
  4. Download the biou.py and add it to mmseg/core/evaluation/biou.py
  5. Import the functions in biou.py:
    add the following line to the mmseg/core/evaluation/init.py
    from .biou import multi_class_gt_to_boundary
    then add 'multi_class_gt_to_boundary'to the list of __all__ = [xxx]
  6. Download the boundary.py and add it to mmseg/datasets/pipelines/boundary.py
  7. Import the GenerateBoundary class in the mmseg/datasets/pipelines/init.py:
    add the following line to the mmseg/datasets/pipelines/init.py
    from .boundary import GenerateBoundary
    then add 'GenerateBoundary' to the list of __all__ = [xxx]
  8. Using our config.py to train a OCRNet.
    For example, to train a OCRNet-HRNetW48 on cityscapes, please run the following code:
    sh tools/dist_train.sh YOUR_PATH_TO_THE_CONFIG/erocrnet_hr48_512x1024_80k_cityscapes_fp16.py 8

How to train MaskFormer +CBL model

We build our implementation based on the official code base of MaskFormer. Please refer to maskformer

TO-DO List(after accepted)

1.Upload the whole CBL project based on MMsegmentation (including CBL trained models with PSPNet, DeeplabV3+, Swin-B)
2.Upload the whole CBL project based on MaskFormer (including CBL trained models with MaskFormer)
3.Write a new instruction about how to run our CBL on the above-mentioned projects.