
🤖 v.2 of BB-8 Discord Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord server Build Language Downloads Language


A Discord.js Bot I originally put into Commando, however I made this version so its easier for users to use

Installation + Hosting Yourself

🚦 This bot requires Node.js 6.1.0 or higher.

  1. Download this file from here for the latest version or download git and clone this repository
  2. Go get a .sqlite file, however rename it to say bot.sqlite once you have it we are going to be using sqlite database
  3. Create a file called settings.json and put in the file this. Then fill out the info
  "prefix": "YOUR_BOT_PREFIX",
  "token" : "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",
  "ownerID": "YOUR_DISCORD_ID"
  1. Go into the message file in the events folder, and when you find this line, edit to to have your bot's prefix aswell
  var prefix = "YOUR_BOT_PREFIX"
  1. Go into app.js file and edit out the line on no.18 with your Discord I.D
  2. Open up a command prompt (or your preferred terminal) in the bot folder.
  3. Run node app.js
  4. Its going to say stuff like could not find moment dependency or something close to it,
    so you then just run npm install plus the missing dependency
    Example npm install discord.js
  5. Once you have downloaded everything, the next time you run node app.js, it should say
`I'm Online`

And you should be all set from there!


  • This Bot was developed in v11.0.0

  • To add commands, just go into the commands folder and put your cmd into it like the ping cmd Just make sure to put it within this handler

exports.run = function(client, message, args) {


anything else your cmd requires just put it in the file

  • To host while running pm2 Just run pm2 start app.js in the bot file

  • If you have a command that requires args, you don't need to define it since it already is check the message handler in the events folder to see

  • If you update/add a cmd, you dont need to restart the bot. Just reload the command


Option Usage
ping sends user's ms
owner shows the owner of the guild
members shows the amnt. of members in the guild
region sends the region of the guild
coin flips a coin (heads or tails)
quote quotes a message via ID

if any errors occur while trying to run the bot, comment them here or join this server and message me and I will see to it shortly