- 14
Add Fullbright Playermodels
#173 opened by JONERAGILT - 0
- 1
- 1
- 7
- 3
- 1
cl_old_scoreboard_name_sv "1"
#179 opened by brunoraisson - 0
cl_old_scoreboard_name_map "1"
#178 opened by brunoraisson - 0
cl_old_scoreboard_id "1"
#177 opened by brunoraisson - 0
Make hud_rainbow 1 no to affect the chat
#169 opened by LeonN534 - 0
Add location system
#168 opened by andreiseverin - 3
Spectator First Person offset issue
#165 opened by gustavomassa - 1
Duel Gamemode with queue system (like quake)
#167 opened by gustavomassa - 1
Refactor HUD text messages for Unicode support
#166 opened by SmileyAG - 0
- 2
HLKZ quality of life features
#53 opened by YaLTeR - 3
[Linux] _restart crashes the game on Linux
#140 opened by chinese-soup - 1
#151 opened by SmileyAG - 2
What about add togglemapbrowser?
#122 opened by naseonelove - 1
#143 opened by 007basaran - 8
- 0
Add jumpspeed HUD
#133 opened by YaLTeR - 1
Can you add +showscores when watching demo?
#135 opened by naseonelove - 2
Can u fix ' in nickname. When i wrote nick for example dexp'n'LG players see only dexp
#134 opened by naseonelove - 5
Independent physics
#132 opened by execut4ble - 0
Implement cl_show_colortags 0/1
#130 opened by chinese-soup - 0
cl_righthand Bug
#128 opened by iCHOPPERi - 3
hud_alpha <value>
#125 opened by SmileyAG - 5
Old Scoreboard doesn't update when a player leaves
#119 opened by iCHOPPERi - 0
cl_old_scoreboard 1
#89 opened by SmileyAG - 0
#64 opened by chortex - 8
cl_forceteammatemodel doesnt work in spectate mode
#55 opened by krangm - 1
- 2
hud_color rainbow
#90 opened by SmileyAG - 7
Mouse acceleration
#69 opened by gustavomassa - 0
How about add ^10(black) color?
#98 opened by ynnur - 3
- 4
Color in console comments
#96 opened by LeonN534 - 0
Crash Spectate Mode
#93 opened by braiandorado - 0
Wireframe viewmodel
#85 opened by YaLTeR - 3
Playing demos twice crashes the game
#81 opened by mxpph - 3
- 3
- 3
GLIBCXX_3.4.22 requirement
#57 opened by YaLTeR - 1
Compile errors on GCC 8.3
#61 opened by YaLTeR - 9
Disable XPDeprecationWarning
#65 opened by Margen67 - 1
- 1
Windows XP support is broken
#52 opened by YaLTeR - 3
add color to hud messages
#50 opened by Gennarormas - 1