========================================================================================== RELEASE ========================================================================================== The current release is paradisEO-2.0 ========================================================================================== INSTALLATION ========================================================================================== The basic installation procedure must be done in a separatly folder in order to keep your file tree clean. 1) mkdir build 2) cd build 3) cmake .. 4) make 5) Take a cofee. 6) Congratulation, ParadiseEO is installed ! Please refer to paradisEO website or INSTALL file for further information about installation types and options. ========================================================================================== DIRECTORY STRUCTURE ========================================================================================== After unpacking the archive file, you should end up with the following structure: .../ | | +-- AUTHORS Author list | | +-- cmake/ CMake dir | | +-- CMakeLists.txt For building process | | +-- CTestConfig.cmake For testing process | | +-- INSTALL INSTALL file | | +-- LICENCE Licence contents | | +-- paradiseo-eo paradiseo-eo dir | | +-- paradiseo-mo paradiseo-mo dir | | +-- paradiseo-moeo paradiseo-moeo dir | | +-- problems classical problems evaluation functions | | +-- README README file ========================================================================================== NOTES ========================================================================================== ParadisEO uses EO, a templates-based, ANSI-C++ compliant evolutionary computation library. It contains classes for almost any kind of evolutionary computation you might come up to - at least for the ones we could think of. EO Website: http://eodev.sourceforge.net/. EO is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html Please read README file of each extracted directory if you have problems for the installation. ========================================================================================== CONTACT ========================================================================================== For further information about ParadisEO, help or to report any problem : paradiseo-help@lists.gforge.inria.fr
A C++ evolutionary computation framework to build parallel stochastic optimization solvers