
Welcome, As we are aware Sustainability issues are the critical issues our planet is facing today. it is crucial to work towards sustainable solution to preserve our planet for future generation. Our Project name is Ethereal which is a website .It is a wonderful resource for people who are passionate about living a sustainable life .Sustainable living means to live in a way that supports the environment, economy and society. ETHEREAL is made using 1)HTML 2) CSS 3) JAVASCRIPT 4) Firebase 5)Google Maps. It is equipped With a wealth of information and has different sections related to sustainable living .


General awareness

In this section we have provided general information on small changes that we can bring in our daily lifestyle which can help us live a sustainable life. Screenshot_20230404-220617_Chrome Screenshot_20230404-220653_Chrome

Latest Technology

In this section we have provided detail about the latest technology which are available in the world helping to preserve environment and lowering the pollution level in the world. Screenshot_20230404-225004_Chrome Screenshot_20230404-225033_Chrome

Waste Management

In this section we have provided details about the ways in which we can reduce waste in our homes and society.

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Power saving gadgets

In this section we have provided details about the Power saving appliances available in the market with which we can replace our old appliance. Screenshot_20230404-231552_Chrome Screenshot_20230404-231627_Chrome

Water Conservation

In this section we have provided different ways by which we can conserve water in our homes and society.

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Nature conservation

In this section we have provided details about different ways by which we can conserve nature and lead a sustainable life. Screenshot_20230404-232306_Chrome Screenshot_20230404-232327_Chrome

Sign up /Sign in

By clicking on sign in/sign up button user is directed to sign in and sign up page where user can sign up by providing their username , Email and Password . When they click on sign up there data is being saved in firebase and they are directed to homepage where there user name is being displayed and a logout option is also displayed .On clicking on logout button they can sign out. Moreover now if anytime they want to sign in to their account again they just need to login by providing their email id and password. We have even put Forgot password option if user forget their password then they are Screenshot gdsc 10


In this section we have provided detail about different sustainable products which user can buy by clicking on buy button .They will be directed to e-commerce website from where they can purchase the selected product. Screenshot gdsc 8

Shops Nearby section

In this section we have provided details about the local shops which sell sustainable products .Their location is provided on google maps. When user select their city then all the local seller who sell sustainable product in their city their location is shown on the maps. Screenshot gdsc 9 Screenshot_20230404-221010_Chrome

Discussion Forum

Another great feature of the website is its discussion forum, In discussion form a person can ask question related to sustainable living and another person can give reply to that question. This allows people to share their knowledge on sustainable living to other person. Screenshot_20230405-014553_Chrome Screenshot_20230405-014616_Chrome Screenshot_20230405-014645_Chrome

Challenges faced

1)When we were making login and sign up page then one of the major challenges was to store user data in real-time and show it when they login. We used Firebase for storing the user data. Firebase authentication and Firebase real-time database feature is used for the backend development of the sign up and login page.

2)The other challenge was to make website with proper responsiveness for desktop and mobile.