An application that can generate perceptually uniforms palettes using CIE LCH(uv) space. It is based on the paper "Synthesis of color palettes" by By MWH Martijn Wijffelaars.
There are three palette generation methods
- Sequatial
- Bivariate
- Qualitative
All generation methods are controlled with a set of intuitive parameters. To generate such palettes the work is done in CIE LCH(uv) color space which is then converted back to RGB. For further details read the paper.
The application also includes a color picker which can be used as a converter between different color spaces, and a visualization of a given color space.
Binaries are provided for Linux via AppImage and Windows via an installer.
Just download the AppImage and make it executable:
chmod a+x ColorGenerator-x86_64.AppImage
Just download and run the installer, no runtime is required because it is bundled with the application.
You will need a C++ compiler, CMake and wxWidgets.
Simply run CMake to generate a Makefile and then use make to build. If you installed wxWidgets through a package manager, then CMake will automatically find wxWidgets through find_package macro.
The wxWidgets library has to be installed or manually build (I prefer the latter case). When building the library choose the static build. Using CMake GUI you can set the wxWidgets path after running configure. Then set up the project to build statically as well.
Download and build the wxWidgets library. Ater that you can use CMake to generate Unix Makefiles. If CMake fails to find wxWidgets, configure wxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE flag to wx-config executable. It should be under the build directory in wxWidgets root. After generating Makefile just run make.
There are scripts for creating a windows installer and linux AppImage in /scripts. Modify them in order to generate the binaries.
Preferred way is to use linuxdeploy, linuxdeploy gtk plugin and appimagetool. Modify the script/linux/ and change the path to these tools. Run the script from the scripts/linux directory and it will produce the AppImage in bin. For some reason the AppImage structure produced does not support gtk3, therefore for releases I compiled via gtk2.
Build wxWidgets statically. Use the following configuration: --with-gtk=2 --disable-shared --enable-monolithic
Install InnoSetup in order to create installer for the application. You should be able to just compile the script found in scripts/windows, which produces a Windows installer.