
A Messanger App using FireBase

Primary LanguageSwift


Podfile Configuration

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['CLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS'] = 'NO'

Our Goal

One of the most fundamental component of modern iOS apps is the Table View. Table Views are used everywhere from the Mail app to the Messages app. It’s a crucial part of every iOS developer’s tool belt. In this we’ll be getting to grips with Table Views, creating custom cells, and making our own cloud-based backend database.

What is created

Flash Chat is an internet based messaging app similar to WhatsApp. We will be using a service called Firebase as a backend data server to store and retrieve our messages from the cloud.

Finished App

What is learned

  • How to integrate third party libraries in your app.
  • How to store data in the cloud using Firebase.
  • How to query the Firebase database.
  • How to use Firebase for user authentication.
  • How to work with a UITableView.
  • How to use custom cells in a Table View.
  • How to embed View Controllers in a Navigation Controller and understanding the navigation stack.
  • How to create Segues for navigation.
  • How to make custom .xib files to modify native design components.
  • Using Grand Central Dispatch to queue asynchronous tasks.